Research Group

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  • Information Products 5
Collaborative Modeling with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: A Novel Approach to Achieving Safety Culture

Antonie Jetter

National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine: Gulf Research Program

Safer Offshore Energy Systems 2

Researchers plan to develop and test a scenario-planning toolkit that oil and gas industry stakeholders can use to explore the factors that strengthen or detract from their organization’s safety culture. They will consider how these factors can be modeled collaboratively, whether modeling can address uncertainty about these factors and their causal relationships, if this exercise helps participants understand what bolsters and hinders safety culture, and whether their participation results in actionable outcomes. Researchers hope this project will produce a modeling approach that organizations can use to develop context-specific safety culture training that is tailored to their unique needs.

Antonie Jetter
Associate Professor
Portland State University

Information Product Model and Simulation

FCM Python Package

Creators: Aminpour, Payam
Publisher: GitHub
Information Product Workshop or Conference Proceeding

iEMSs 2018 Proceedings: Exploratory Participatory Modeling with FCM to Overcome Uncertainty

Creators: Alibage, Ahmed, Antonie Jetter, Steven Gray, Steven Scyphers, and Payam Aminpour
Publisher: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
pdf (898.05 KB)
Information Product Workshop or Conference Proceeding

Participatory Modeling

Creators: Jetter, Antonie and Ahmed Alibage
Publisher: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018
pdf (63.19 KB)
Information Product Workshop or Conference Proceeding

iEMSs 2018 Proceedings: Open Source Tool in R Language to Estimate the Inference of the Fuzzy Cognitive Map in environmental decision making

Creators: Papageorgiou, Elpiniki, Antonie Jetter, Zoumpolia Dikopoulou, and Dionysios Bochtis
Publisher: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society
pdf (962.38 KB)
Information Product Model and Simulation

Inference of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs)

Creators: Dikopoulou, Zoumpoulia and Elpiniki Papageorgiou
Publisher: The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)