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Mark Kulp
National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine: Gulf Research Program
The project team intends to pair community groups and volunteers with experienced scientists so the community members can learn how to collect shoreline data. This data can be used to inform oil spill planning and response. In addition to developing citizen scientists who can help address a typical gap in oil spill data, the project team intends to produce a program template that other coastal communities could use to develop similar efforts.
Building Coastal Community Capacity through Innovative Citizen Science Training for Oil Spill Planning and Response
Publisher: University of New Orleans
Beach Profile Volunteer Checklist
Publisher: University of New Orleans
Florida Volunteer Manual
Publisher: International Oil Spill Conference 2019
Dauphin Island Elevation Profile and Tarball Data Sheet
Publisher: University of New Orleans
Dauphin Island Data Portal
Publisher: Not Applicable
Beach Profile and Tar Ball Monitoring for Oil Spill Response Planning Volunteer Manual 2018-2019
Publisher: AMOP