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Assessing Long-Term Linkages Between Development of Oil and Gas Industry Related Coastal Infrastructure, Societal Well-Being and Ecosystem Function in Coastal Louisiana

Tim J.B. Carruthers

National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine: Gulf Research Program

Healthy Ecosystems 1

Researchers will examine the costs and benefits of expanding oil and gas activity in coastal Louisiana by looking at how human well-being and ecosystems changed as onshore oil and gas infrastructure developed from 1950 to 2015. By mapping trends in these relationships at different levels (by parish, by community, and coast-wide), this work intends to help future land managers make informed decisions about coastal planning and restoration in Louisiana’s rapidly-changing coastal areas. The decision-making framework this research produces could also be relevant to other Gulf coast areas with developing oil and gas infrastructure.

Tim J.B. Carruthers
Director of Coastal Ecology
The Water Institute of The Gulf