Data Parameters and Units:
Subject self-report, paper and pencil questionnaires. CHERRY_GMRI_data_combined (May 2014).xlsx-- SS #, PTSD scale (17 questions), Depression Scale auto recode (9 questions), Anxiety Scale auto recode (7 questions), Major dep, Other dep, All dep, Dep w functional impairment, Other dep w functional impairment, All dep w functional impairment, Probable depression, Probable dep w functional impairment, Any depression symptoms, Depressed mood or anhedonia, Anxiety Scale (GAD) recode (7 questions), Generalized Anxiety, Criterion B: repeatedly re-experiening trauma -- need one or more, Criterion C: avoidance -- need three or more, Criterion D: arousal -- need two or more, Criterion B, C and D, PTSD score = sum of PCL1-PCL17, Demographics Gender (1=Male; 2=Female), Marital (1=Single; 2=Married; 3=Divorced; 4=Widowed), Ethnicity (1=African American; 2=American Indian/Alaskan Native; 3=Asian; 4=Caucasian; 5=Hispanic/Latino; 6=Isleno 7=Native Hawaiian/PI; 8=Other), Education (1 = High School or less; 2=H.S./GED; 3=some college/associates; 4=Bachelors; 5=Masters; 6=Doctorate/professional degree), Spouse educ, Health (1 = excellent, 2=good; 3 = fair; 4 = poor), Health pre-oil spill (1 = not at all; 2=a little; 3 = a great deal), Healthcomp (1 = better; 2 = same; 3 = worse), Chronic (6 conditions summed, doesn't include "7" other), Chronic6, Other_chronic, Num_other_chronic, Hospital, Prescriptions (0=none; 1= 1 to 3; 2= 4 to 6; 3=7 to 9; 4=over 10), Location (1=farm, 2 = country, 3 = small town, 4 = large city/suburb, 5 = major city/downtown), Live where (1 = own place; 2 = rental; 3 = anothers home; 4 = ass't living; 5 = nh; 6 = trailer/RV, 7 = other), Live with (1 = alone, 2 = with spouse, 3 = with adult children), IncomeAde(1 = not, 2 = necessities only, 3 = afford some; 4 = afford all; 5 = afford /save), Income Amount (1 = less than 1K, 2 = 1-2K; 3 = 2-3K, 4 = 3-4K, 5 = 4-5K, 6 = 5-6K, 7 = 6K or more), VOCABULARY, CONNOR-DAVIDSON resilience measure (0 = not true at all; 1 = rarely true; 2 = sometimes true; 3 = often true; 4 = true nearly all the time) MMSE (Mini-Mental State Exam, a cognitive status screening measure), Orientation, Registration, Attention and Calculation, Recall, Lanquage, Repetition Comprehension, Organizational Religiosity and Faith Community Involvement Module (4 questions), Nonorganizational Religiosity Module (3 questions), Religious Beliefs and Coping Module (5 questions), FaithComm (Q3+Q4), NonOrg (Q5+Q6+Q7), Relbeliefs (Q8+Q9), Relcoping (Q10+Q11+Q12), Ai's Spiritual Support Questionnaire (1 = SD, 2 = D, 3 = A, 4 = SA), Goals Scale / State Hope (1996 short form)(range: 1 = definitely false to 8 = definitely true), Perceived Social Support Scale (higher total number = more support), Social engagement: ISEL - 9 Social Support scale. yes=1; no=0. Higher total score means more support, LEFCOURT HUMOR (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = mildly disagree; 3 = mildly agree; 4 = strongly agree), Humor (auto recode accounts for 2 reverse scored items, #1 and 4), OPTIMISM (0 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree), OPTIMISM (auto recode accounts for 3 reverse scored items, #3, 7, 9).