In this study, we examined the microbial communities of a Gulf of Mexico coastal salt marsh during the influx of petroleum hydrocarbons following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill to assess the microbial community response. We used genome-enabled technologies to examine the effects of nutrient additions to enhance microbial degradation of oil in sandy beach sediments and to determine the effects of dispersants on salt marsh microbial populations. GeoChip microarray analyses data are presented for 21 sediments samples collected from June 2 to July 2, 2010. GenBank IDs, gene names and categories are reported. Microbial organisms are identified to the lowest possible taxonomic group and full lineage is provided.
Suggested Citation:
Sobecky, Patricia, and Melanie Beazley. 2015. Dataset for: Microbial Community Analysis of an Alabama Salt Marsh affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 2010. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N79G5JSV
Data Parameters and Units:
Gene category Sub-category1 Sub-category2 GeoChip abundance for samples collected in the following Columns: I0Jun2: Inlet 0-2 cm collected June 2, 2010 I0Jun3: Inlet 0-2 cm collected June 3, 2010 I8Jun1: Inlet 8-10 cm collected June 1, 2010 I8Jun2: Inlet 8-10 cm collected June 2, 2010 I8Jun3: Inlet 8-10 cm collected June 3, 2010 I0Jul1: Inlet 0-2 cm collected July 1, 2010 I0Jul2: Inlet 0-2 cm collected July 2, 2010 I0Jul3: Inlet 0-2 cm collected July 3, 2010 I8Jul2: Inlet 8-10 cm collected July 2, 2010 I8Jul1: Inlet 8-10 cm collected July 1, 2010 M0Jun3: Marsh 0-2 cm collected June 3, 2010 M0Jun2: Marsh 0-2 cm collected June 2, 2010 M0Jun1: Marsh 0-2 cm collected June 1, 2010 M8Jun1: Marsh 8-10 cm collected June 1, 2010 M8Jun2: Marsh 8-10 cm collected June 2, 2010 M0Jul2: Marsh 0-2 cm collected July 2, 2010 M0Jul3: Marsh 0-2 cm collected July 3, 2010 M0Jul1: Marsh 0-2 cm collected July 1, 2010 M8Jul1: Marsh 8-10 cm collected July 1, 2010 M8Jul3: Marsh 8-10 cm collected July 3, 2010 M8Jul2: Marsh 8-10 cm collected July 2, 2010 Genbank ID Gene name Organism identification Lineage: Superkingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Triplicate sediment cores (30 cm; 7.3 cm I.D.) were collected within the marsh stands (designated ‘‘Marsh’’) approximately 2–4 m from shore and outside the stands approximately 25 m from the shoreline (designated ‘‘Inlet’’) Sediment cores were aseptically extruded in 2 cm sections with the 0-2 cm and 8-10 cm sections used for analysis. GeoChip Analysis