Monthly water samples from Barataria and Lake Pontchartrain estuaries from July 2010 to December 2011
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
The Northern Gulf Institute (NGI)
Research Group:
Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Louisiana Coastal Environments
R. Eugene Turner
Louisiana State University / Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
nutrients, water quality, eutrophication, monitoring
Water quality data were taken during the 2010 and 2011 surveys of both Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana and Barataria Basin, Louisiana Data were obtained for nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, and secchi depth.
Suggested Citation:
Eugene Turner. 2015. Monthly water samples from Barataria and Lake Pontchartrain estuaries from July 2010 to December 2011. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7QJ7F9H
To collect water samples from Lake Pontchartrain and Barataraia Bay.
Data Parameters and Units:
Barataria Data INVESTIGATOR, Project Principle Investigator TRANSECT, Sampling Transect name YEAR, Sample year, yyyy MONTH, Sample month, mm DAY, Sample day, dd DATE, Sample date, mmddyyyy, computed from year, month, day using EXCEL formula TIME, Sample time, hh:mm, computed fron sample hour and minute using EXCEL formula STATION, Station ID, cccc, Charcter + number (BT01 = Barataria Transect station 1) Stations EM2, EM4, EM5, EM7, EM9, CUT1 dropped after July 2007 LAT_DEG, Station latitude, decimal degrees, Measured with LORAN or GPS LONG_DEG, Station longitude, decimal degrees, Measured with LORAN or GPS SAL, Salinity, ppt, , Measured with chloridometer or handheld YSI SECCHI, Secchi depth, meters, Measured with 30 cm black and white secchi disk TEMP, Temperature, centigrade, Measured with handheld YSI PH, pH, pH units, Measure with laboratory pH meter CHLA, Chlorophyll_a, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluoromet er after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, adjusted for flourometer lamp aging PHAEO, Phaeophytin a, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, adjusted for flourometer lamp aging TOTPIG, Total pigments, mg m-3, Sum of chlorophyll_a and phaeophytin_a, adjusted readings TSS, Total suspended load, mg l-1, Measured by filtration and capture on glass fiber filters TSSORG, Suspended load organic, %, Measured by loss on ignition SUSPORG, Suspended organic, mg l-1, Suspended organic = (Total suspended load) x (Suspended load organic) SUSPINOR, Suspended sediment, mg l-1, Suspended sediment = (Total load) - (suspended organic) NH4, NH4, umoles l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quick Chem NO2,NO3, NO2_NO3, umoles l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quick Chem SIO2, SIO2 umoles, l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quick Chem PO4, PO4, umoles, l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quick Chem TP, Total P umoles, l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quic Chem after digestion TN, Total N, umoles, l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quic Chem after digestion METHOD1, Nutrient method in use Technicon Autoanalyzer II or LaChat Quick Chem Lake Ponchartrain Sample trip number, nnn, Consecutive from first sample trip Sample year, yyyy Sample month, mm Sample day, dd Sample date, mmddyyyy, computed from year, month, day using EXCEL formula Sample time, hh:mm Julian day, (day of the year) Cumulative Julian day from 01Jan1996 Station ID, cccc, Charcter + number (LP01 = Lake Pontchartrain station 1) Station latitude, decimal degrees, Measured with GPS Station longitude, decimal degrees, Measured with GPS Secchi depth, meters , Measured with 30 cm black and white secchi disk Salinity, ppt, Measured with chloridometer or handheld YSI Temperature, centigrade, Measured with handheld YSI pH, pH units, Measure with laboratory pH meter Raw Chlorophyll_a readings, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, raw readings Raw Phaeophytin a readings, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, raw readings Raw total pigments, mg m-3, Sum of chlorophyll_1 and phaeophytin_a, raw readings Adjustment factor for aging of Fluorometer lamp, multiplier, Adjustment based on regression of date vs solid standard reading or adjusment based on actual solid standard reading when sample was read (=standard value / standard reading). For Dates >14May1999 and less than or equal to 02May2005 Factor = 0.000057*DATE -1.0611, R2=0.761, for dates greater than 05May2005 and less than or equal to 24Jun2010 Factor = 0.000388*DATE-14.039 R2=0.963, for dates greater than 01Jul2010 Factor = 0.003501*DATE-139.5187, R2=0.886, DATE= EXCEL serial days with 01Jan1900 = 1, Chlorophyll_a, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, adjusted for flourometer lamp aging Phaeophytin a, mg m-3, Measured with Turner Designs fluorometer after extraction in DMSO:Acetone, adjusted for flourometer lamp aging Total pigments, mg m-3, Sum of chlorophyll_a and phaeophytin_a, adjusted readings Fluorometer, adjustment indiactor flag, A, B or C A=assumed to be 1.0 (no fluorometer drift); B=adjusted based on regression of date vs solid standard reading; C=adjusted based on actual solid standard reading when sample was read; D=interpolated from adjacent solid standard readings Total suspended load, mg l-1, Measured by filtration and capture on glass fiber filters Suspended load organic, %, Measured by loss on ignition Suspended organic, mg l-1, Suspended organic = (Total suspended load) x (Suspended load organic) Suspended sediment, mg l-1, Suspended sediment = (Total load) - (suspended organic) Total carbon, mg l-1, Measured with Shimadzu TOC 5000 Inorganic carbon, mg l-1, Measured with Shimadzu TOC 5000 Total organic carbon, mg l-1, Measured with Shimadzu TOC 5000 NH4, um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem NO2, um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem NO3, um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem NO2_NO3, um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem SIO2 , um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem PO4, um l-1, Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem Total P, um l-1,Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat after digestion Total N, um l-1,Measured with Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat after digestion Nutrient method in use, Technicon Autoanalyxer II or LaChat Quick Chem Digestion method in use, TKN or Persulfate SAL, Salinity, ppt May1996 - Present SECCHI, Secchi depth, meters, May1996 - Present TEMP, Temperature, centigrade, Sep2005 - Present PH, pH, pH units, Jan1998 - Present DO, Dissolved oxygen, mg l-1, ND CHLA, Chlorophyll_a, mg m-3, May1996 - Present PHAEO, Phaeophytin a, mg m-3, May1996 - Present TOTPIG, Total pigments, mg m-3, May1996 - Present TSS, Total suspended load, mg l-1, May1996 - Present TSSORG, Suspended load organic, %, May1996 - Present SUSPORG, Suspended organic, mg l-1, May1996 - Present SUSPINOR, Suspended sediment, mg l-1, May1996 - Present TC, Total carbon, mg l-1, Jun1996 - Present IC, Inorganic carbon, mg l-1, Jun1996 - Present TOC, Total organic carbon (from TC-IC), mg l-1, Jun1996 - Present NPOC, Total organic carbon (acidified and sparged), mg l-1, Jan2009 - present POC, Particulate organic carbon, mg l-1, Jan2009 - present DOC, Dissolved organic carbon, mg l-1, Jan2009 - present NH4, NH4, umoles l-1, May1996 - Present NO2, NO2, umoles l-1, May1996 - Oct2001 NO3, NO3, umoles l-1, May1996 - Oct2001 NO2NO3, NO2_NO3 umoles l-1 , May1996 - Present SIO2, SIO2, umoles l-1, May1996 - Present PO4, PO4, umoles l-1, May1996 - Present TP, TP, umoles l-1, Jan1998 - Present TN, TN, umoles l-1, Jan1998 - Present ATP_AVG, New Orleans International Airport average air temperature centigrade, Jan1996 - Oct2011 WSP_AVG, New Orleans International Airport average wind speed, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 WSP_AVG_PREV_01, New Orleans International Airport previous day average wind speed, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 WSP_MAX, New Orleans International Airport maximum wind speed, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 WSP_MAX_PREV_01, New Orleans International Airport previous day maxmum wind speed, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 PRE_TOT, New Orleans International Airport total precipitation, meters, Jan1996 - Oct2011 PRE_TOT_PREV_03, New Orleans International Airport previous 3 day total precipitation, meters, Jan1996 - Oct2011 PRE_TOT_PREV_07, New Orleans International Airport previous 7 day total precipitation, meters, Jan1996 - Oct2011 PRE_TOT_PREV_30, New Orleans International Airport previous 30 day total precipitation, meters, Jan1996 - Oct2011 PRDISC, Pearl River discharge, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 ARDISC, Amite River discharge, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 TANDISC, Tangipahoa River discharge, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 THCDIS, Thcefuncta River discharge, m3 s-1, Jan1996 - Oct2011 BCQ_TOT, Bonnet Carre Spillway total daily discharge, m3, Jan1996 - Oct2011 LVL_0700, Lakefront water level at 07:00, meters LVL_1200, Lakefront water level at 12:00, meters LVL_CHANGE, Lakefront water level change (12:00 - 07:00), meters
YSI - handheld multi-parameter instrument, bottle, conductivity sensor, fluorometer, oxygen meter, pressure sensors, secchi disk; Autoanalyzer for water quality measurements