The main purpose for developing the current dataset were to determine whether use of Corexit dispersant enhanced in a dose response fashion the exposure of embryonic fish to oil constituents from DWH weathered oil (mousse) as compared to a South Louisiana Crude reference standard. This comparison was performed for freshwater (Zebrafish were the developmental model for which this data was preparative) and select salinities (extrapolative). These data demonstrate that Corexit under the conditions of the baffle test dispersed crude oil into water at only the highest Corexit concentrations (3.0 mg/l, 100 mg/l). At the highest Corexit concentration this amounted to nearly 30%. This was not true for a similar experiment with mousse with few mousse constituents dispersed into water. For treatments at which different salinities were measured only small changes were noted between the different salinities.
Suggested Citation:
Kleinow, Kevin. 2014. Baffle Tests Varying Concentrations of Corexit: Enhanced exposure of embryonic fish to oil constituents from DWH as compared to South Louisiana Crude.. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7FJ2DRJ
Data Parameters and Units:
Mousse + crude Baffled Test Graph.xlsx-- Mousse Composite Data: Mousse Only [0.06ppt, 15ppt, 30ppt], Mousse and 10ul Corexit [0.06ppt, 15ppt, 30ppt], Mousse and 0.3ppm Corexit [0.06ppt], Total Oil Dispersed (mg). Baffled Test: LA Crude [0.0, 0.3, 3, 100], Mousse [0.0, 0.3, 3, 100], salinity [0.06ppt, 15ppt, 30ppt]. The following RAW files have the data parameters: RAW DATA, WAVELENGTH (nM), Adjusted Data, WAVELENGTH (nM), Area Under the curve, Concentration Oil (g/L), Mass of Oil (g), Total oil Disp (g), EFF%. Crude-Corexit/ Baffled Flask Test Crude-Corexit 10ul 11.22.10.xlsx Baffled Test Corexit 3.0ppm 11-23-10.xlsx Baffled Test Crude 0.3ppm Corexit 12-03-10.xlsx Baffled Test Crude Oil Only.xlsx LA Crude Composite Data 30ppt standard curve...Corrected Version.xlsx Mousse-Corexit/ Baffled Test Mousse 0.3ppm Corexit 12-03-10.xlsx Baffled Test Mousse 3.0ppm Corexit 12-03-10.xlsx Baffled Test Mousse Only 12-02-10.xlsx Mousse Composite Data.xlsx