We performed chemical and bioassays of sea surface microlayer, subsurface water, neuston and plankton collected along two transect across the west Florida shelf. Assays included: Ex situ screening bioassays of SSML and subsurface water (0.5 m and mid-depth) using: modified Microtox Assay 22-hr exposure (Vibrio fischeri bacteria), 48-hr exposure of copepods (Acartia tonsa), 48-hr exposure of early life stages (ELS) of urchins (Lytechinus variegatus). Chemical assays were done on water samples for PAHs (in collaboration with France’s Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution) and a component of COREXIT (i.e., DOSS; contract laboratory: ALS | Environmental, Kelso, WA). Analyses of wild-caught neuston and plankton included: 1) chemical assays of PAHs residues in bulk neuston/plankton, 2) biochemical assays on bulk neuston/plankton for enzyme induction (e.g., EROD, etc.; in collaboration with Florida A&M University).
Data Parameters and Units:
Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Time (hh:mm to hh:mm), Collection Location (city, state) [Pensacola, FL], Sample number (number), Approximate distance from shore (kilometers), matrix (sample type) [neuston, plankton, water], Collection method (name), [neuston net, plankton net, Pour over rotating drum, Pulled from DISW bucket using 0.5 m tubing, SSML sea surface micro-layer, 0.5 meters, mid-depth], analyte (name) [Acénaphtène, Acénaphtylène, Anthracene, Benzo(g,h,i)pérylène, Benzo[a]anthracène, Benzo[a]pyrène, Benzo[b]fluoranthène, Benzo[e]pyrène, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Benzothiophène, Biphényl, C1-Benzothiophène, C1-Chrysènes, C1-Dibenzothiophène, C1-Fluoranthènes/Pyrènes, C1-Fluorène, C1-Naphtalène, C1-Phenan/anthra, C2-Benzothiophène, C2-Chrysènes, C2-Dibenzothiophène, C2-Fluoranthènes/Pyrènes, C2-Fluorène, C2-Naphtalène, C2-Phenan/anthra, C3-Benzothiophène, C3-Chrysènes, C3-Dibenzothiophène, C3-Fluoranthènes/Pyrènes, C3-Fluorène, C3-Naphtalène, C3-Phenan/anthra, Chrysène, Copepod bioassay, Dibenzo(a,h)anthracène, Dibenzothiophène, Dioctyl sulfosuccinate, Ethoxresorufin-o-dethylase, Fluoranthène, Fluorène, glutathione s transferase, Indéno(1,2,3-cd)pyrène, Naphtalène, Pérylène, Phenanthrene, Pyrène, sumPAH, superoxide dismutase, urchin bioassay], anaylte measurement value (units of activity/mg concentration of analyte in protein for neuston sample, units of activity/mg concentration of analyte in protein for plankton sample, % abnormalities of organisms bioassay for water sample), Qualifier (water has the qualifier "A"), Latitude (degrees arc minutes), Longitude (degrees arc minutes).