Acute Static exposure laboratory experiments were conducted on various larval stages of queen conch, Strombus gigas (1, 2 and 3 weeks post hatch), eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (D stage, eyed), and pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum (nauplii V, zoea 1, mysis 1 and pl 6). Similar exposure experiments were conducted on the following species of plankton, used as larval food sources in culture and serving as a proxy for natural planktonic food sources: adult rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis) and algae (Chaetocerous gracilis, Isochrysis galbana-Tahitian strain).
Suggested Citation:
Laramore, Susan, and Amber Garr. 2014. The impact of crude oil and the dispersant Corexit on the survival of three key Gulf of Mexico invertebrate species of larval queen conch, oysters, and shrimp (S. gigas, C. virginica, P. duorarum) and their planktonic food sources, LC50 and IC50 laboratory experiments. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7HD7SMF
The specific intentions of this dataset are: 1. To determine the lethal concentration (LC50) of oil and Corexit on various life stages of queen conch, oysters, and shrimp, 2. To determine the LC50 (rotifers) or IC50 (algae) of oil and Corexit on phytoplankton.
Data Parameters and Units:
LC50 and IC50 of crude oil, tar mat oil, dispersant and oil:dispersant at 1:10 in mg/L. Algae IC50-- [Crude Oil Data, Crude and Corexit Mix Data, Corexit Data, Tarmat Oil Data, Tarmat Oil and Corexit Mix Data]: Algae [Isochrysis galbana (Tahitian strain, T-iso), Chaetoceros gracilis (CG)], Concentration (cells/mL), Light [Low, Medium, High], Replicate (count), Time 0 (hours), Time 24 (hours), Time 48 (hours), Time 72, Time 96 (hours). C. virginica (D stage and eyed oysters) LC50 data-- [D- Stage Oyster, Eyed oysters]: Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Treatment [Corexit, Mix, Oil, Control], Concentration (ppm), Replicate (count), Exposure Time (hours), Live (count/total), Dead (count/total). P. duorarum-- [Shrimp nauplii V, Shrimp Zoea Z1, Shrimp mysis stage M1, Shrimp PL] with [CEWAF, Corexit, WAF, High WAF] after [24, 48, 72, 96] hours. Rotifers-- Rotifers with [WAF Oil, CEWAF, Tar Mat Oil, Tar Mat Oil and Corexit 1:10 mix, Corexit] after [24, 48, 72, 96] hours. Strombus gigas (week 1,2 and 3) LC50-- Conch [one week, two weeks, three weeks] from hatch with [WAF, CEWAF, Corexit, High WAF, High CEWAF].