Suggested Citation:
Daly, Kendra. 2014. CTD and other environmental data for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and west Florida shelf, July 2010 – May 2012.. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7CC0XN9
To assess the seasonal and interannual changes in distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, chlorophyll and CDOM fluorescence, turbidity, and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Data Parameters and Units:
CTD data are provided in excel files. Each cruise is in a separate folder [BE0412, WB0111, WB0211, WB0212, WB0511, WB0512, WB0611, WB0911, WB1111, WB1210]. Files are named by cruise, date (MMYY), station, and cast number (if more that one cast per station), where BE: RV Bellows; WB: RV Weatherbird II. Scan, Date (Month DD YYYY), Time (hh:mm:ss), Depth (m), temperature (degrees Celsius), salinity (PSU), conductivity (S/m and mS/cm), density (sigma-theta, kg/m^3; sigma-t, kg/m^3), pressure (dB), oxygen (ml/l, mg/l, mu-mol/kg, % Saturation), CDOM fluorescence (mg/m^3), chlorophyll fluorescence (ECO-AFL/FL) (mg/m^3), turbidity (NTU), Photosynthetically Active Radiation PAR (mu-E m^-2 s^-1), speed of sound [Chen-Millero, Delgrosso, Wilson] (m/s).
CTD: Environmental data were collected aboard the R/V Weatherbird II and the R/V Bellows. A CTD-rosette was deployed between the surface (2 m) and up to a maximum depth ranging from 5 m to about 1,450 m, depending on the bottom depth of the station. Sensors mounted on the rosette included: SBE 25 CTD, SBE 43 DO, Biospherical PAR sensor, WET Labs CDOM (FLCDRTD), Wet Labs fluorometer and turbidity sensors (FLNTURTD), and WET Labs C-Star transmissometer. The CTD was deployed to ~ 2 m depth, the power turned on, and allowed to sit a few minutes until the pumps turned on and sensors stabilized and equilibrated. The CTD was then lowered at a rate of 30 m/min for the first 100 m, and thereafter at 60 m/min. On the downcast, the depths of the fluorescence maxima, top of the thermocline, base of the thermocline, and other features of interest were noted on the CTD log sheet. Niskin bottles were fired at these depths and other pre-determined depths on the upcast. Water samples were collected during more than one CTD cast at some stations where water demand was high or the depth was greater than 200 m. The Weatherbird II rosette held twelve 12L Niskin bottles, and the Bellows rosette held twelve 5L Niskin bottles. Raw data were saved as hex files and converted to 1 m bin averaged data using the Sea-Bird Electronics Inc. Data Processing Software v.7.23.2.
Sensors mounted on the rosette included: SBE 25 CTD, SBE 43 DO, Biospherical PAR sensor, WET Labs CDOM (FLCDRTD), Wet Labs fluorometer and turbidity sensors (FLNTURTD), and WET Labs C-Star transmissometer.