Data Parameters and Units:
Zonal and meridional ocean currents (m/s), temperature (degC), surface oil distribution (no unit), wave height (m), wave length (m), 10-meter zonal and meridional winds (m/s), surface sensible heat flux (W/m2), surface latent heat flux (W/m2), Aoil: surface oil coverage fraction (unites, values ranging 0 to 1). SSOT: surface oil tracer concentration (kg/m3)
SWAN model output (significant wave height): time (Unix epoch format, seconds since 1970-01-01 [s]), longitude [decimal degrees E], latitude [decimal degrees N], significant wave height (hs, [m]).
ROMS model output: key variables include latitude and longitude at eta, psi, u, v, and rho points [decimal degrees], bathymetry [m], land/water masks for rho, u, v, and psi points [0/1], time (ocean_time, VMS epochformat, seconds since 1858-11-17 00:00:00 [seconds]), free surface height (zeta, [m]), vertically-integrated zonal momentum (ubar, [m/s]), vertically-integrated meridional momentum (vbar, [m/s]), zonal momentum (u, [m/s]), meridional momentum (v, [m/s]), vertical momentum (w, [m/s]), S-coordinate vertical momentum (omega, [m/s]), potential temperature (temp, [degrees C]), salinity (salt), dye_01 ([kg/m^3]), turbulent kinetic energy (tke, [m^2/s^2]), surface air pressure (Pair, [mbar]), surface u wind (Uwind, [m/s]), surface v wind (Vwind, [m/s]), surface zonal wind (Uwind_eastward, [m/s]), surface meridional wind (Vwind_eastward, [m/s]), net surface heat flux (shflux, [W/m^2]), net surface salt flux (ssflux, [m/s]), net latent heat flux (latent, [W/m^2]), net surface sensible heat flux (sensible, [W/m^2]), net longwave radiation flux (lwrad, [W/m^2]), net bulk flux of freshwater (EminusP, [m/s]), evaporation rate (evaporation, [kg/m^2/s]), rain rate (rain, kg/m^2/s]), shortwave radiation flux, [W/m^2]), surface u momentum flux (sustr, [N/m^2]), surface v momentum flux (svstr, [N/m^2]), bottom u momentum flux (bvstr, [N/m^2]), bottom v momentum flux (bvstr, [N/m^2]), Stokes drift velocities {u, v, w, vertically-integrated u, vertically-integrated v, omega (u_stokes, v_stokes, w_stokes, ubar_stokes, bar_stokes, omega_stokes, [m/s])}, significant wave height (Hwave, [m]), mean wind wavelength (Lwave, [m]), peak surface wave period (Pwave_top, [s]), wind bottom wave period (Pwave_bot, [s]), bottom orbital velocity (Uwave_rms, [m/s]), surface roughness factors {Charnok, wave amplitude}, surface fluxes due to wave dissipation and Craig and Banner wave breaking..
Other variables include the vertical coordinate system transformation variables, time steps, mixing/drag/dissipation/stability/buoyancy production/shear production/breaking wave coefficients, nudging time scales, sponge layer/tracers/point source switches, and Coriolis parameter.
The WRF parameters include land/lake/water masks, SST [K], sea surface oil tracer concentration [kg/m^3], sea surface oil coverage fraction; base and perturbation geopotential [m^2/s^2]; pressure [Pa], and dry air mass [Pa], U and V at 10 m [m/s], potential temperature [K] and Qv [kg/kg] at 2m [K]; water/cloud water/rain water/ice/snow/graupel mixing ratios [kg/kg], annual max/min vegetation fraction, land use category; x, y, and z wind components [m/s]; annual max albedo, soil temperature [K]/moisture [m^3/m^3]/liquid water [m^3/m^3]/relative moisture, surface and underground runoff [mm]; sea ice flag, sea surface wave heights [m]/peak wave length [m]/peak wave period [s], temperature [K]/skin temperature [K]/zonal and meridional currents [m/s]; functions describing orographic geometries, accumulated total cumulus/shallow cumulus/grid scale precipitation [mm], snow and ice, graupel, and hail; cloud fraction; short and long wave fluxes (downward, net, normal, accumulated, clear sky, instantaneous at ground and top) [W/m^2], albedo, surface emissivity, roughness length, soil temperature [K], planetary boundary layer height [m], upward heat/moisture/latent heat/accumulated heat/ at surface [W/m^2].