In this study, continuous time dependent total intensity light scattering was used to investigate the processes that precede dopamine (DP) particle formation and to monitor the effects of kinetics of several reaction conditions such as change in temperature, pH, stirring concentration, use of potassium persulfate (KPS), and purging with oxygen and nitrogen. This dataset supports the publication: Wu, A., Sahiner, N., & Reed, W. F. (2019). Online monitoring of dopamine particle formation via continuous light scattering intensity measurement. European Polymer Journal, 112, 749–753. doi:10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.10.046
Data Parameters and Units:
Dataset includes 10 csv files and contains: T (^0^C), 1/T (K), Phase 1 period (s) no KPS no stir, Initial slope Phase 2 no KPS no stir, Dopamine:KPS, KPS:Dopamine, SQRT(Dopamine:KPS), Phase 1 period 2mg/ml, Phase 1 rate, Phase 1 period 4 mg/ml, Phase 2 slope 2 mg/ml, Time(s), 25C, 25C smooth, 30C, 30C no stir, 35C, 40C, 45C, 50C, 55C, 60C, 60C, smooth, Time(s), LS_2mg/ml Dopamine:KPS=2:1, T(^0^C), 1/T(K), time to particulation (s) no stir D/KPS=2, time to particulation (s) 200RPM D/KPS=2, Time(s), 25C-200rpm, 30C-200rpm, 30C 200rpm smooth, 35C-200rpm, 40C-200rpm, 45C-200rpm, 50C-200rpm, 55C-200rpm, 60C-200rpm, Time(s), 40C no KPS no stir, 40C no KPS no stir smooth, 50C no KPS no stir, 50C no KPS no stir smooth, 60C no KPS no stir, 60C no KPS no stir smooth, Time(s) Dopamine:KPS=4:1, Dopamine:KPS=2:1, Dopamine:KPS=1:1, Dopamine:KPS=1:2, Dopamine:KPS=1:4, Wavelength (nm), 0min, 30min, 60min, 90min, 120min, 150mn, 180min, 210min, 240min, 270min, 300min, 330min, 350.5min. Light Scattering (LS) Intensity (AU) and absorbance is dimensionless.
These data were used to create figures in the associated publication (Wu et al., 2019). The excel file "Dopamine Control group (no KPA stir)" contains data used to plot figure 1, and the file “UV Dopamine data" contains data used to plot figure 2. Similarly, the excel files - “KPS varying at 2mgml dopamine", “Dopamine Control group (no KPA stir)”, and “Dopamine aggregation vs T” contain data used to plot figure 3; and the file "Phase 1 initial slopes" contains data used to plot figure 4 respectively.