The dataset includes toxicity information for the scleractinian coral species Porites astreoides following a 48-hour exposure to phenanthrene. Laboratory assays were conducted at Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center. The dataset includes coral color/condition scores, photosynthetic efficiency (PAM) measurements, growth rate, and mortality of the coral nubbins at each time point. Also included is the concentration of phenanthrene in each exposure chamber at the beginning and end of the exposure.
Suggested Citation:
Renegar, D. Abigail; Turner, Nicholas R.. 2019. Toxicity of phenanthrene to Porites astreoides. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-4f3v-1394
Provides coral color/condition scores, photosynthetic efficiency (PAM) measurements, growth rate, and mortality of the coral nubbins at each time point during exposure to phenanthrene, as well as the concentration of phenanthrene in each exposure chamber at the beginning and end of the exposure. This information is used to calculate the sublethal and lethal toxicity endpoints (EC50 and LC50) and critical body burden following application of the target lipid model.
Data Parameters and Units:
Main parameters: Coral condition score (scale of 0-3, no units), photosynthetic efficiency (Quantum yield (ΔF/Fm), growth rate (grams per day), percent mortality, Phenanthrene (PHE) concentrations (µg/L).
Data averaged by Chamber: Chamber = the chamber number, Conc = Geometric mean of PHE concentration from 0h and 48h; used in modelling of effects (µg/L), Num = number of coral fragments in the chamber, CC1h – CC48h = the sublethal effect proportion at each time point based on the semi-quantitative scoring rubric for observational changes; coral condition score (scale of 0-3). Each score listed is the average effect proportion of each chamber (N=3). M24h, M36h, and M48h = the lethal effect proportion at each time point. Each score listed is the average proportion dead in each chamber (N=3). G Base= growth rate during the baseline (mg/day), G Exp= the growth rate during the exposure (mg/day), G P1P7= growth rate during the first week of recovery (g/day), G P7P28= growth rate during recovery weeks 2-4 (mg/day). Y Base= quantum yield measured during baseline, Y Exp= quantum yield measured immediately after the exposure, Y P7= quantum yield measured after 7 days of recovery, Y P28= quantum yield measured after 28 days of recovery. Each value listed for growth or yield is the average value for all corals in each chamber (N=3, or all surviving). Missing values indicate no surviving fragments measured.
Data by Coral: Chamber = the chamber number, Frag = the coral number, identifier; CC1h – CC48h = the sublethal effect proportion at each time point based on the semi-quantitative scoring rubric for observational changes. Each score listed is total score divided by the number of categories scored. M24h, M36h, and M48h = the lethal effect proportion at each time point. Each score listed is the average proportion of each coral dead. G Base= growth rate during the baseline (mg/day), G Exp= the growth rate during the exposure (mg/day), G P1P7= growth rate during the first week of recovery (mg/day), G P7P28= growth rate during recovery weeks 2-4 (mg/day), missing values indicate no surviving fragments measured. Y Base= quantum yield measured during baseline, Y Exp= quantum yield measured immediately after the exposure, Y P7= quantum yield measured after 7 days of recovery, Y P28= quantum yield measured after 28 days of recovery. Each value listed for yield is the average of 4 measurements on each coral fragment. Missing values indicate no surviving fragments measured.
Phenanthrene concentrations were measured using a Horiba Aqualog Spectrophotometer. Target = target nominal concentrations in micrograms per liter; ppb. Values listed under Target are the nominal concentrations targeted using passive dosing: 0(control), 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 µg/L PHE. Chamber = the chamber number, Sample time = T0 and T48 hours of exposure (beginning and end) to verify concentration and stability. Values listed under-sample times are actual measured concentrations in micrograms per liter. Conc = the geometric mean concentration of PHE in each chamber in micrograms per liter; used in modeling effects for each chamber.
Size and Volume of tanks: 500 mL exposure chamber connected to 2 L dosing reservoir, operating experimental water volume 2500 mL.
Source of Corals: Porites astreoides, Broward County, Florida.
Source of water: laboratory coral system (artificial seawater).
Coral condition scale: Four-level system; 0=within normal limits, 1 = moderate, 2 = advanced, 3 = severe, assessment metrics of coral color, polyp extension/retraction, tissue swelling, mucus production.