This dataset contains MOCNESS (Multiple Opening/Closing Net Environmental Sensing System) profile data collected on board the M/V Nick Skansi during Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26. This survey (NS9, chief scientists: Lora Pride, Sandra Arismendez, Jean de Marignac, James J. Pierson) was part of a series of NRDA cruises conducted in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the distribution and densities of ichthyoplankton and other zooplankton in northern Gulf of Mexico waters potentially affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (DWHOS). The dataset includes the original profile data in three formats (.RAW, .TAB, .PRO) for individual MOCNESS tows, as well as combined and summary data (all tows) for the full cruise. Datasets include sampling event data (e.g., time, latitude, longitude, depth, volume filtered). This dataset corresponds with the MOCNESS Ichthyoplankton dataset available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x815.000:0027 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-1v14-fc70).
Suggested Citation:
Zapfe, Carley, Verena Wang, and Frank Hernandez. 2019. MOCNESS profile data collected during NRDA Plankton Survey Nick Skansi 9 (NS9) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2011-04-18 to 2011-06-26 on board the M/V Nick Skansi. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-60cg-k731
Data Parameters and Units:
Time [Julian Days since 2010-01-01 00:00:00], latitude [degrees], longitude [degrees], pressure [dBar], temperature [deg C], potential temperature [deg C], salinity [PSU], sigma_t [kg/m^3], signal strength/echo intensity [counts], net angle, water flow [number of revolutions], horizontal velocity [knots], vertical velocity [m/s], volume filtered [m^3].
Note: Sample time in xxxx.PRO files are UTC, and in xxxx_all.csv file is Central time. For the detailed dataset information including file descriptions, file naming conventions, and all the headers descriptions, please refer to the Readme file (MOCNESS READ ME FILE_NS9.xlsx) included in the dataset.
MOCNESS data (RAW, PRO, and TAB files) were acquired from the Deepwater Horizon Plankton Assessment Archive (DWHPAA) and NCEI, and are provided here in their original form for reference. MOC All and MOC summary files were generated by the dataset authors to collate and summarize the MOCNESS environmental data after additional processing and QC. The MOC Deployment ID file is included for organizational reference and does not contain environmental data. The dataset authors are curating the deep-pelagic plankton data and associated environmental data for analysis and were not part of the sample collection effort.
MOCNESS data (RAW, PRO, and TAB files) are organized by station number, time of day, sampling depth, and sampling occurrence (i.e., repeat tows at the same station, numbered 1-4 when applicable).
Unprocessed data generated from the underwater unit attached to the MOCNESS instrument frame. The file contains no defined columns or headings. RAW files are original data output from the MOCNESS software; one RAW file per tow.
A processed version of the RAW data file, presented in an ASCII to Disk format. Data represent environmental samples (e.g., temperature, salinity, latitude, longitude) recorded in 4-second intervals throughout the MOCNESS deployment. PRO files are original data output from the MOCNESS software; one PRO file per tow.
Summary data for each net from PRO file data. Minimum, maximum, and mean values are provided for each environmental parameter. TAB files are original data output from the MOCNESS software; one TAB file per tow.
Tow identifiers (Deployment ID), corresponding file names for MOCNESS data (RAW, PRO, and TAB; see below for file naming convention), and station coordinates. One 'MOC Deployment ID' file per cruise.
Data from all PRO files combined (per cruise), with each environmental sample (one sample recorded per 4-second interval) paired with corresponding cruise data (e.g., Deployment ID, Field Sample ID, Station ID, time of day). See below for details on further processing/QC of PRO data before combining into 'MOC All' file. One 'MOC All' file per cruise.
Summary data for each net from 'MOC All' file. Net opening, net closing, and/or mean and standard deviation are provided for each environmental parameter. One 'MOC Summary' file per cruise.