Field and laboratory measurements: Health assessment data from the northern Gulf of Mexico common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 2018-06-11 to 2018-09-28
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Consortium for Advanced Research on Marine Mammal Health Assessment (CARMMHA)
Ryan Takeshita
National Marine Mammal Foundation
Common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, Health assessment, Blood chemistry, urinalysis, pulmonary, Blood gas
This dataset contains health assessment data from live dolphins near Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Sarasota, Florida, and Dauphin Island, Alabama in 2018 using methods previously described. Relevant data for each live wild dolphin sampled include sampling location (latitude and longitude), date, time, sex, morphometrics, and diagnostic test results including the following: (1) blood gas and end-tidal CO2 variables, (2) hematology and serum chemistry values, (3) hormone analyses, and (4) lung ultrasound scores.
Suggested Citation:
Lori Schwacke, Cynthia Smith, Teri Rowles, Brian Balmer, Eric Zolman, Randall Wells, Whitney Musser, Brian Quigley, Jeanine Morey, Ryan Takeshita. 2020. Field and laboratory measurements: Health assessment data from the northern Gulf of Mexico common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), 2018-06-11 to 2018-09-28. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-sv57-1h12
Previous studies with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Barataria Bay, Louisiana have demonstrated that exposure to petroleum products following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused adrenal gland and lung disease, which contributed to increased mortality and decreased reproductive success during the immediate years following the oil spill. As such, there is a need to continue to monitor the reproductive health of dolphins in Barataria Bay to determine changes in reproductive success over time.
Data Parameters and Units:
Worksheet Column.header Description Date Date (dd-MON-yy) field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process hit_net_restrained Time (24:00) animal was safely in handlers' control latitude Latitude in decimal degrees longitude Longitude in decimal degrees sex Sex of the dolphin age.yrs Age in years, when available, determined by growth layer group counts on extracted teeth pregnant Pregnancy status Total length in cm Body weight in kg Cornell.blood Date Date (dd-MON-yy) Cornell.blood field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset Cornell.blood net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process Cornell.blood Hem_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for hematology Cornell.blood Hematocrit.percent Hematocrit (%) Cornell.blood Hemoglobin.g/dL Hemoglobin (g/dL) Cornell.blood RBC.mill/uL Red blood cells (mill/uL) Cornell.blood MCV.fL Mean corpuscular volume (fL) Cornell.blood Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (pg) Cornell.blood MCHC.g/dL Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (g/dL) Cornell.blood RDW.percent Red blood cell distribution width (%) Cornell.blood Reticulocyte_Count.percent Reticulocyte Count (%) Cornell.blood Absolute_Retic_Count.thou/uL Absolute Retic Count (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Nucleated_RBCs.per.100.WBC Nucleated RBCs (/100 WBC) Cornell.blood WBC.thou/uL White blood cells (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Segmented_Neutrophils.thou/uL Segmented Neutrophil(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Band_Neutrophils.thou/uL Band Neutrophil(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Lymphocytes.thou/uL Lymphocyte(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Monocytes.thou/uL Monocyte(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Eosinophils.thou/uL Eosinophil(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Basophils.thou/uL Basophil(s) (thou/uL) Cornell.blood Platelet_Count.thou/uL Platelet Count (thou/uL) Cornell.blood MPV.fL Mean platelet volume (fL) Cornell.blood Platelet_Smear_Estimation Platelet Smear Estimation Cornell.blood Total_Protein_Ref.g/dL Total Protein - Ref (g/dL) Cornell.blood Plasma_Appearance Plasma Appearance Cornell.blood WBC_Exam WBC Exam Cornell.blood RBC_Morphology RBC Morphology Cornell.blood Parasites Parasite(s) Cornell.blood Packed_Cell_Volume.percent Packed Cell Volume (%) Cornell.blood Chem_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for blood chemistry analyses Cornell.blood Sodium.mEq/L Sodium (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Potassium.mEq/L Potassium (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Chloride.mEq/L Chloride (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Bicarbonate.mEq/L Bicarbonate (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Anion_Gap.mEq/L Anion Gap (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Sodium_Potassium_Ratio Sodium Potassium Ratio Cornell.blood Urea Nitrogen (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Creatinine (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Calcium (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Phosphate (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Magnesium.mEq/L Magnesium (mEq/L) Cornell.blood Albumin.g/dL Albumin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Globulin.g/dL Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood A/G_Ratio Albumin/Globulin Ratio Cornell.blood Glucose (mg/dL) Cornell.blood ALT.U/L Alanine aminotransferase (U/L) Cornell.blood AST.U/L Aspartate aminotransferase (U/L) Cornell.blood Alkaline_Phosphatase.U/L Alkaline Phosphatase (U/L) Cornell.blood GGT.U/L Gamma-glutamyl transferase (U/L) Cornell.blood Total Bilirubin (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Direct Bilirubin (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Indirect Bilirubin (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Amylase.U/L Amylase (U/L) Cornell.blood Lipase.U/L Lipase (U/L) Cornell.blood Cholesterol (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Creatine_Kinase .U/L Creatine Kinase (U/L) Cornell.blood Iron (ug/dL) Cornell.blood Total Iron Binding Capacity (ug/dL) Cornell.blood Saturation.percent Saturation (%) Cornell.blood Lipemia Lipemia Cornell.blood Hemolysis Hemolysis Cornell.blood Icterus Icterus Cornell.blood LDH.U/L Lactate dehydrogenase (U/L) Cornell.blood SDH.U/L Sorbitol dehydrogenase (U/L) Cornell.blood Total_protein.g/dL Total Protein (g/dL) Cornell.blood Triglycerides (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Uric Acid (mg/dL) Cornell.blood Imm_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for immunology Cornell.blood Albumin2.g/dL Albumin2 (g/dL) Cornell.blood Alpha1_Globulin.g/dL Alpha1 Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Alpha2_Globulin.g/dL Alpha2 Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Total_Alpha_Globulin.g/dL Total Alpha Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Beta1_Globulin.g/dL Beta1 Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Beta2_Globulin.g/dL Beta2 Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Total_Beta_Globulin.g/dL Total Beta Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Gamma_Globulin.g/dL Gamma Globulin (g/dL) Cornell.blood Immune_A/G_ratio Immune A/G Ratio Cornell.blood End_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for endocrinology Cornell.blood Aldosterone (pg/mL) Cornell.blood Cortisol (ug/dL) Cornell.blood FreeT4 (ng/dL) Cornell.blood TotalT3 (ng/mL) Cornell.blood TotalT4 (ug/dL) Cornell.blood Progesterone (ng/mL) Cornell.blood Estradiol (pg/mL) Cornell.blood Testosterone (ng/mL) Cornell.blood Blood_culture_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for blood culture Cornell.blood Aerobic_blood _culture Aerobic Blood Culture results Cornell.blood Anaerobic_blood _culture Anaerobic Blood Culture results Cornell.blood Fibrinogen_sample_type Sample type submitted to analytical laboratory for fibrinogen Cornell.blood Fibrinogen (mg/dL) Cornell.urinalysis Date Date (dd-MON-yy) Cornell.urinalysis field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset Cornell.urinalysis net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process Cornell.urinalysis Volume of urine collected (ml) Cornell.urinalysis Color Color of urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Turbidity Turbidity of urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Specific.gravity Specific gravity of urine sample Cornell.urinalysis pH pH of urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Protein Total protein in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Glucose Glucose concentration in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Ketones Ketones concentration in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Bilirubin Bilirubin concentration in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Heme Heme concentration in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis WBC WBC count in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis RBC RBC count in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Bacteria Bacteria in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Epithelial.cells Epithelial cells in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Sperm Sperm in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Fat.drops Fat droplets in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Debris Debris in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Casts Casts in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Crystals Crystals in urine sample Cornell.urinalysis Osmolality.mOsm/kgH2O Osmolality in urine sample NMMF.pulmonary Date Date (dd-MON-yy) NMMF.pulmonary field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset NMMF.pulmonary net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process NMMF.pulmonary Sex Sex (M/F) NMMF.pulmonary Left.lung.score Lung scores were assigned to each animal based on overall lung findings and the presence/absence and severity of abnormalities. Overall lung scores were assigned, ranging from normal (no disease detected) to severe disease, by an experienced marine mammal veterinarian who conducted the ultrasound exam, as well as a board-certified veterinary radiologist. NMMF.pulmonary Left.effusion Presence of plueral effusion in left lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Left.effusion.descr Description of pleural effusion, if present in left lung. NMMF.pulmonary Left.AIS Presence of alveolar-interstitial syndrome (AIS) in left lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Left.AIS.descr Description of AIS, if present in left lung. NMMF.pulmonary Left.plumonary.nodule Presence of pulmonary nodules in left lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Left.number.of.nodules Number of nodules in left lung NMMF.pulmonary Left.pulmonary.mass Presence of pulmonary masses in left lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Left.pulmonary.mass.descr Description of masses, if present in left lung. NMMF.pulmonary Left.pulmonary.consolidation Presence of pulmonary consolidation in left lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Left.pulmonary.consolidation.descr Description of consolidation, if present in left lung. NMMF.pulmonary Right.lung.score Lung scores were assigned to each animal based on overall lung findings and the presence/absence and severity of abnormalities. Overall lung scores were assigned, ranging from normal (no disease detected) to severe disease, by an experienced marine mammal veterinarian who conducted the ultrasound exam, as well as a board-certified veterinary radiologist. NMMF.pulmonary Right.effusion Presence of plueral effusion in Right lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Right.effusion.descr Description of pleural effusion, if present in Right lung. NMMF.pulmonary Right.AIS Presence of alveolar-interstitial syndrome (AIS) in Right lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Right.AIS.descr Description of AIS, if present in Right lung. NMMF.pulmonary Right.plumonary.nodule Presence of pulmonary nodules in Right lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Right.number.of.nodules Number of nodules in Right lung NMMF.pulmonary Right.pulmonary.mass Presence of pulmonary masses in Right lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Right.pulmonary.mass.descr Description of masses, if present in Right lung. NMMF.pulmonary Right.pulmonary.consolidation Presence of pulmonary consolidation in Right lung? (Y/N) NMMF.pulmonary Right.pulmonary.consolidation.descr Description of consolidation, if present in Right lung. NMMF.pulmonary Comments Comments on pulmonary exam NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Date Date (dd-MON-yy) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam mean.pre-ETCO2.mmHg Capnography measurment of mean end-tidal CO2 from pre-exam blood draw (mmHg) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam blood.draw.time Time (24:00) blood was drawn for analysis NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_pH pH (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_PaCO2.mmHg Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_PaO2.mmHg Partial pressure of oxygen (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_Beecf.mmol/L Base excess in the extracellular fluid compartment (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_HCO3.mmol/L Bicarbonate (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_TCO2.mmol/L Total carbon dioxide (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_sO2.percent Oxygen saturation (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam CG4+_Lact.mmol/L Lactate (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_Na.mmol/L Sodium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_K.mmol/L Potassium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_Cl.mmol/L Chloride (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_iCa.mmol/L Ionized calcium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_TCO2.mmol/L Total carbon dioxide (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Glucose (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_BUN/ Urea nitrogen (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Creatinine (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_HCT.percent Hematocrit (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_HGB.g/dL Hemoglobin (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) NMMF.bloodgas.pre-exam Chem8+_AnGap.mmol/L Anion gap (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Date Date (dd-MON-yy) field_id Unique identifier for each dolphin in the dataset net_out Time (24:00) net was deployed during capture-assessment-release process Capnography measurment of mean end-tidal CO2 from post-exam blood draw (mmHg) blood.draw.time Time (24:00) blood was drawn for analysis CG4+_pH pH (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_PaCO2.mmHg Partial pressure of carbon dioxide (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_PaO2.mmHg Partial pressure of oxygen (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_Beecf.mmol/L Base excess in the extracellular fluid compartment (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_HCO3.mmol/L Bicarbonate (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_TCO2.mmol/L Total carbon dioxide (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_sO2.percent Oxygen saturation (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) CG4+_Lact.mmol/L Lactate (using CG4+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_Na.mmol/L Sodium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_K.mmol/L Potassium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_Cl.mmol/L Chloride (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_iCa.mmol/L Ionized calcium (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_TCO2.mmol/L Total carbon dioxide (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Glucose (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_BUN/ Urea nitrogen (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Creatinine (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_HCT.percent Hematocrit (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_HGB.g/dL Hemoglobin (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge) Chem8+_AnGap.mmol/L Anion gap (using Chem8+ iStat cartridge)
An overview of health assessment methodologies can be found in Barratclough et al., 2019.
Provenance and Historical References:
Barratclough, A., Wells, R. S., Schwacke, L. H., Rowles, T. K., Gomez, F. M., Fauquier, D. A., Sweeney, J.C., Townsend, F.I., Hansen, L.J., Zolman, E.S., Balmer, B.C., & Smith, C. R. (2019). Health Assessments of Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Past, Present, and Potential Conservation Applications. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6. doi:10.3389/fvets.2019.00444