Fisheries data obtained from NOAA and various state agencies in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas were analyzed for the period 2000-2017 to retrospectively evaluate pre-spill economic trajectories, projected 2010-2017 economic trajectories using pre-spill patterns, and actual (observed) economic data during the 2010-2017 post-spill period in order to assess the economic impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem. The dataset contains commercial, recreational, and mariculture landing data and actual and predicted values per fish harvested, as well as per capita values.
Suggested Citation:
Fodrie, J., Swinea, S.. 2020. Resilience or vulnerability of gulf fisheries economies following Deepwater Horizon: An analysis of Gulf of Mexico fisheries data from 2000-2017. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/YJXPGGPZ
This dataset was created as a tool to examine trends in commercial, recreational, and mariculture fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico in response to Deepwater Horizon. The effort to compile these data yields a comprehensive look at pre- and post-spill trajectories of fishery production in the commercial, recreational, and mariculture sectors.
Data Parameters and Units:
For all worksheets, n/d=no data.
Worksheet "Commercial Fisheries" - year: Year for which data point is representative; state/region: State or region for which data point is representative (AL=Alabama, W FL=West Coast of Florida, LA=Louisiana, MS=Mississippi, TX=Texas, GOM=Gulf of Mexico region as a whole); com.revenue: Revenue from commercial fishing, reported in US 2000 dollars; com.landings: Landings from commercial fishing, reported in kilograms; com.licenses: Licenses issued for marine commercial fishing in each year; com.revenue.percapita: Average revenue from commercial fishing per each commercial license issued, reported in US year-2000 dollars.
Worksheet "Commercial Shrimp Fishery" - year: Year for which data point is representative; state/region: State or region for which data point is representative (AL=Alabama, W FL=West Coast of Florida, LA=Louisiana, MS=Mississippi, TX=Texas, GOM=Gulf of Mexico region as a whole); shrimp.revenue: Revenue from commercial fishing in the brown, pink, and white shrimp fisheries, reported in US year-2000 dollars; shrimp.landings: Landings from commercial fishing in the brown, pink, and white shrimp fisheries, reported in kilograms; shrimp.effort: Effort allocated to commercial fishing in the brown, pink, and white shrimp fisheries, reported in days fished; shrimp.cpue: Catch per unit effort in the brown, pink, and white shrimp fisheries, reported in kilograms per day fished.
Worksheet "Recreational Fisheries" - year: Year for which data point is representative; state/region: State or region for which data point is representative (AL=Alabama, W FL=West Coast of Florida, LA=Louisiana, MS=Mississippi, TX=Texas, GOM=Gulf of Mexico region as a whole); rec.catch: The number of fish caught recreationally in each year; rec.participation: Number of anglers participating in recreational fishing in each year, except in Texas where values reported represent licenses issued for marine recreational fishing in each year (GOM recreational participation excludes Texas for this reason); rec.catch.percapita: An average number of fish caught recreationally by a recreational angler (or by a recreational license holder when recreational participation data were not available) in each year; rec.reported.expenditures: Total impact expenditures allocated to recreational fishing reported in US year-2000 dollars. rec.calculated.expenditures: Total impact expenditures calculated using the per-fish value from the recreational sector and recreational catch across entire 2000-2017 study period, reported in US year-2000 dollars; rec.reported.expenditures.percapita: Average expenditure per recreational angler or per recreational license issued for the state of Texas in each year according to reported expenditures, reported in US year-2000 dollars (GOM per capita expenditures exclude Texas for this reason); rec.calculated.expenditures.percapita: Average expenditure per recreational angler or per recreational license issued for the state of Texas in each year according to calculated expenditures, reported in US year-2000 dollars (GOM per capita expenditures exclude Texas for this reason).
Worksheet "Mariculture Fisheries" - Year: Year for which data point is representative; state/region: State or region for which data point is representative (AL=Alabama, W FL=West Coast of Florida, LA=Louisiana, MS=Mississippi, TX=Texas, GOM=Gulf of Mexico region as a whole); mar.oyster.farms: Farms participating in oyster mariculture in each year; mar.oyster.revenue: Revenue from oyster mariculture, reported in US year-2000 dollars; mar.oyster.pieces: Oyster pieces generated from mariculture in each year; mar.oyster.sacks: Oyster sacks generated from mariculture in each year.