This dataset reports gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analytical results of sediment samples collected from mesocosm tanks from 2019-06-19 to 2019-11-19 located at Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium in Cocodrie, Louisiana. It contains one master file containing sediment sample collection information and total target alkane and aromatic concentrations for each sample and one file (organized by tank) that provides individual concentrations of target alkane and aromatic analytes for all sediment samples listed in the master file.
Suggested Citation:
Overton, Edward B.. 2021. Target alkane and aromatic concentrations for mesocosm sediment samples. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-qgj1-pr29
In support of the Coastal Waters Consortium's effort to assess the chemical evolution, biological degradation, and environmental stresses of petroleum and dispersant within Gulf of Mexico coastal and shelf ecosystems.
Data Parameters and Units:
File: R6.x808.000-0034_Master_Sediment_2019_Mesocosm_sub1.xlsx: LSU/RCAT ID# (Internal sample identifier assigned by the analytical lab), Field ID# (User defined sample identifier assigned by the collection team), Date Sample Collected (MM/DD/YYYY), Experimental Week (number assigned to each week elapsed after experimental oiling, 0-20), Mesocosm Tank # (Identifier assigned to each mesocosm tank), Oil Treatment Characterization (No, Low, Med, High), Total Alkanes (µg/g), Total Aromatics (ng/g). File: R6.x808.000-0034_Concentration_Workbooks_Sediment_2019_Mesocosm_sub1.xlsx: provides individual targeted alkane and aromatic analyte concentrations for all sediment samples listed in R6.x808.000-0034_Master_Sediment_2019_Mesocosm_sub1.xlsx. Data is organized by Mesocosm Tank # on each worksheet tab. Format and Data Parameters and Units are the same for all tabs: LSU/RCAT ID# (Internal sample identifier assigned by the analytical lab), Field ID# (User defined sample identifier assigned by the collection team), Initial Sediment Wt (g; weight of sample extracted), Final Extract Volume (µl; volume of extracted sample after concentration), Percent Moisture (%; Percentage of water in each sediment sample), Surrogate Corrected values for 28 alkane analytes (ug/g; Alkane concentrations, including two isoprenoids, after applying surrogate recovery or extraction efficiency value), Surrogate Corrected values for 43 aromatic analytes (ng/g; Aromatic concentrations for parent aromatic compounds and alkyl homologs after applying surrogate recovery or extraction efficiency value, C30 17α,21β-Hopane (ng/g; the concentration of C30 17α,21β-Hopane (if present) in the sample, providing the option of hopane normalization of data). Elemental Sulphur Interference: Interference from elemental sulfur is reported in some of the raw data (highlighted in blue-colored cells). It is visually evident in the chromatograms and affects the integration of some analytes (mainly C-2 fluorenes, C-3 DBTs, and C-1 phenanthrenes) and in most cases, the interference prevents the integration of those compounds, so they are often 0.000.