Field crews located and systematically monitored Seaside Sparrow (Ammospiza maritima) nests in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana during field season windows of 15 March to 30 June in the years 2012 to 2017, obtaining DNA samples from parents and nestlings. Microsatellite (N = 15) genotype data is presented to quantify the degree of extra-pair mating in Seaside Sparrows.
Suggested Citation:
Woltmann, S.. 2020. Seaside Sparrow parent and nestling microsatellite genotypes from Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, 2012-04-24 to 2017-06-14. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-dx4w-ag49
Data Parameters and Units:
SITE: User-defined site identifier, Latitude: Latitude of each individual nest in decimal degrees (NA=data not recorded), Longitude: Longitude of each individual nest in decimal degrees (NA=data not recorded), Treatment type: Site condition based on SCAT map criteria: oiled (heavily oiled), unoiled (very light or no oil observed), BAND: the numerical ID on aluminum bands placed on the bird (Note: some nestlings were not banded), NEST: User-defined alphanumeric identifier assigned to each nest, DATE: Date the bird was captured, Nest ID: Sequential number assigned to identify each nest during analyses (X=birds not associated with a nest), FSEX: Sex of adult sparrows identified during capture, based on cloacal protuberance in males, and brood patch in females (Male, Female, UNK=Unknown). Note that nestlings cannot be sexed in the field, gSex: Sex identified in the lab via PCR amplifications of portions of the sex chromosome (M=Male, F=Female, U=Genetic sexing not successful thus sex is unknown, X=not genetically sexed in the lab), AGE: A=adult, N=nestling, Lab ID: Sequential number used to identify each individual during sample preparation and analysis, Data Sample ID: Individual sample ID for labeling processed samples in the lab, Columns N to AQ: Diploid microsatellite genotype data for birds sampled during this study. Each microsatellite locus genotype occupies two columns (e.g., Aca01 + Aca01b). Numbers are fragment sizes that represent the two alleles at each locus. “0” indicates missing genotype.
Study plots (N= 7; 50 x 500m alongshore) were established in salt marsh in Bays Jimmy, Batiste, and Sansbois in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. Most birds were banded with a USGS aluminum band, some nestlings were not banded. All methodology for generating genotypes is described in: Woltmann, S., P. C. Stouffer, C. M. Bergeon Burns, M. S. Woodrey, M. F. Cashner, and S. S. Taylor. 2014. Population genetics of Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus) subspecies along the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 9:e112739. The program COLONY was used to assess parentage of all nestlings according to Jones, O. R., and J. Wang. 2010. COLONY: a program for parentage and sibship inference from multilocus genotype data. Molecular Ecology Resources 10:551-555.