This dataset contains basic marsh health and characterization measurements made during two spring (May 2017 and May 2018) and one fall (October 2017) sampling trips in Louisiana coastal plain marshes, including Terrebonne and Barataria Basins. Water temperature and salinity, Spartina alterniflora productivity and soil quality metrics were measured.
Suggested Citation:
Turner, R. Eugene. 2019. Marsh health and process data collected in Louisiana coastal plain marshes in May 2017, October 2017 and May 2018. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-eb46-xe88
Data Parameters and Units:
Worksheet: Variables Contains detailed descriptions of each parameter option found in the dataset Column M SALINITY: Water salinity (psu), TEMP: Water temperature (centigrade), WAT_DEP_EDGE: Water depth at marsh edge (cm), WAT_DEP_IN: Water depth 10m inland (cm), CAN_HGT_EDGE: Spartina alterniflora canopy height at marsh edge (cm), CAN_HGT_IN: Spartina alterniflora canopy height 10 m inland (cm), COVER_EDGE: Spartina alterniflora cover at marsh edge (%), COVER_IN: Spartina alterniflora cover 10 m inland (%), SULFIDE_EDGE: Pore water sulfide at marsh edge (mg l-1), SULFIDE_IN: Pore water sulfide 10m inland (mg l-1), SALT_LIVE_N_FIELD_EDGE: Number of Spartina alterniflora stems 1 m inland, SALT_LIVE_N_FIELD_IN: Number of Spartina alterniflora stems 10 m inland, BULK_DEN_EDGE: Dry soil bulk density at marsh edge (g cm-3), BULK_DEN_IN: Dry soil bulk density 10m inland (g cm-3), NH4_EDGE: Pore water ammonia at marsh edge (um l-1), NH4_IN: Pore water ammonia 10m inland (um l-1), SIO2_EDGE: Pore water silicate at marsh edge (um l-1), SIO2_IN: Pore water silicate 10m inland (um l-1), TP_EDGE: Pore water total phosphorus (persulfate digestion) at marsh edge (um l-1), TP_IN: Pore water total phosphorus (persulfate digestion) 10m inland (um l-1), TN_EDGE: Pore water total nitrogen (persulfate digestion) at marsh edge (um l-1), TN_IN: Pore water total nitrogen (persulfate digestion) 10m inland (um l-1), Worksheet: DATA ND=no data, DATASET: Data set version and date, PROJECT: Project funding data collection, RESEARCHER: Name and institution of Principal Investigator, YEAR: Sample year, MONTH: Sample month, TRIP: Sample trip ID, LOCATION: GOMRI-CWC location (Cocodrie, Grand Isle, Port Sulphur), SITE: Sample site ID, LATITUDE: Sample site decimal latitude (degrees), LONGITUDE: Sample site decimal longitude (degrees), BAG: Sample bag ID, DATA_TYPE: Classification of data type (Field=measurement completed in field, Lab=laboratory analysis required), VARIABLE: Variable name (further details can be found on the VARIABLES worksheet), REP: Sample rep, VALUE: Sample value, UNITS: Measurement units.