A mesocosm scale experiment was conducted to monitor the temporal changes in microbial diversity within the water column and microbial microaggregates that form in response to the presence of oil and chemically dispersed oil. DNA was extracted from filtered water samples and 16S rRNA genes were sequenced. This dataset supports the publication: Kamalanathan, M., Doyle, S. M., Xu, C., Achberger, A. M., Wade, T. L., Schwehr, K., Santschi, P.H., Sylvan, J.B., Quigg, A., Rappe, M.S. (2020). Exoenzymes as a Signature of Microbial Response to Marine Environmental Conditions. mSystems, 5(2). doi:10.1128/msystems.00290-20
Suggested Citation:
Shawn Doyle, Amanda Achberger, Jason Sylvan. 2020. Microaggregate Microbial Community Structure, Mesocosm Experiment, LTMOSE, a Long Term Marine Oil Snow Mesocosm Experiment, SSU rRNA sequences. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-z8x6-km14
Data Parameters and Units:
The dataset contains raw sequence reads and includes - AvgSpotLen, BioSample, DATASTORE_filetype (fastq sra), DATASTORE_provider, DATASTORE_region, Experiment, Library_Name, MBases, MBytes, Run, SRA_Sample, Sample_Name, description, sample_title, Assay_Type (AMPLICON), BioProject (PRJNA623576), BioSampleModel (MIMARKS.survey.water.4.0), Center_Name (MOTHUR), Consent (public), InsertSize, Instrument (Illumina MiSeq), LibraryLayout (PAIRED), LibrarySelection (PCR), LibrarySource (METAGENOMIC), LoadDate (M/D/YYYY), Organism (marine metagenome), Platform (ILLUMINA), ReleaseDate (M/D/YYYY), SRA_Study (SRP255615), collection_date (Mon-YY), depth (0.1), env_biome (marine), env_feature (harbor), env_material (water), geo_loc_name (USA: Galveston), lat_lon (29.2726 N 94.8126 W), organism (marine metagenome), seq_methods (V4 Tags, MiSeq-PE250).
Mesocosm experiments were performed with Gulf of Mexico seawater collected ~100m offshore of Galveston, Texas (29.2726 N 94.8126 W) on May 23, 2017. Three treatments in triplicate were prepared: (1) Control, (2) Water accommodated oil fraction (WAF), and (3) diluted chemically enhanced WAF (DCEWAF). WAF was prepared by adding 25mL of Macondo surrogate oil into 130 L of seawater and allowing it to mix for 4 h. For DCEWAF, Corexit was mixed with oil in a ratio of 1:20 and then 25mL of this mixture was added to 130 L of seawater and mixed for 4h.