These are the source code, input files, and output files for a high-resolution 3D baroclinic ADCIRC simulation to model salinity transport near Choctawhatchee Bay and Destin Inlet, Florida. The model was run for five days from 2013-11-01 to 2013-11-05 in a diagnostic mode (density variables were maintained constant to allow the forcing fields to spin up), followed by a prognostic mode (temperature, salinity, and density were allowed to evolve) from 2013-11-06 to 2013-12-17. Hourly fields of wind and water velocity, temperature, salinity, pressure, and surface elevation are provided. This dataset supports the publication: Cyriac, R., Dietrich, J. C., Blain, C. A., Dawson, C. N., Dresback, K. M., Fathi, A., Bilskie, M.V., Graber, H.C., Hagen, S.C., and Kolar, R. L. (2020). Wind and tide effects on the Choctawhatchee Bay plume and implications for surface transport at Destin Inlet. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 35, 101131. doi:10.1016/j.rsma.2020.101131.
Suggested Citation:
Cyriac Rosemary and Casey Dietrich. 2020. 3D ADCIRC simulations of salinity transport near Choctawhatchee Bay and Destin Inlet, Florida, 2013-11-06 to 2013-12-17. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/4THZHAND
Data Parameters and Units:
The data include input and output files. Input includes the nodal attributes, grid and boundary information, model parameters, and gridded meteorological, pressure, and wind data. The output data are organized into four different directories, one for the five days of a diagnostic run in which the dynamic variables were not allowed to evolve, and subdirectories for the prognostic (dynamic variables evolved). Prognostic model output was separated into three runs for manageability; there is some temporal overlap in the data in the three subdirectories. It includes salinity and temperature at boundary values, the surface, and at a river boundary. Also available are surface quantities (water elevation, pressure, water velocity, wind velocity, and temperature) and three-dimensional temperature, salinity, density, and velocity at all nodes in the model domain. Maximum water elevation, radiation stress, water velocity, wind velocity, and surface pressure at a single time point are included as a “quick look” at the maximal effects in the simulation. Restart files are also provided. Further details are contained in the provided readme document.
Parameters have the form Time (seconds since 2016-12-19 12:00:00, [s]), sigma (vertical nodes), x (longitude, [degrees E]), y, (latitude, [degrees N]), element [enum]), adcirc_mesh (mesh topology), neta (number of elevation boundary nodes, [enum), nvdll, max_nvdll, ibtypee (elevation boundary type, [nondimensional]), nbdv (nonde numbers on each elevation boundary segment, [nondimensional]), nvel (number of nodes in each normal flow boundary segment), max_nvell, ibtype, nbvv, depth (depth below geoid, [m]), u-vel3D (east-west velocity [m/s^2]), v-vel3D (north-south velocity, [m/s^2]), w-vel3D (upward water velocity, [m/s^2]).
The parameters following depth vary by file. They include sigmat (water density, [kg/m^3]), salinity [PSU], temperature [degrees C], zeta (water surface elevation above geoid, [m]), vertically averaged velocity (east/west and north/south, [m/s^2], pressure [meters of water], zonal and meridional wind components [m/s^2]).
The fully three-dimensional, baroclinic ADCIRC model with modifications to resolve the pier at Destin Inlet, Florida, was used modeling for Choctawhatchee Bay. The model contained 21 uniform vertical layers and 358,069 nodes. The open ocean boundaries are forced by fields from the 1/2-degree resolution HYCOM model, while surface winds and pressures were drawn from the North American Mesoscale (NAM) model. Seven tidal constituents are included, as are river discharge values as measured during the December 2013 SCOPE (Surf-zone Coastal Oil Pathways Experiments) field campaign. Further details are available in the associated publication Cyriac et al., 2020.