The dataset contains processed observational data and includes drone imagery, drifter trajectories, and other environmental information. The drone was flown over the coastal waters to collect high-frequency images to detect tidal currents. For validation purposes, the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE) drifters (with and without drogue) were launched across the channel during the unmanned aerial system (UAS) flights, and an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) was deployed center-channel. The UAS currents were validated by flotsam tracks, obtained through automated UAS video object detection and tracking, drifter tracks, and ADCP measurements. All of these data are available in the related dataset under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x806.000:0031 (DOI: 10.7266/XYFYQHAX). This dataset supports the publication: Lund, B., Carrasco, R., Dai, H., Graber, H. C., Guigand, C. M., Haus, B. K., Horstmann, J., Lodise, J. A., Novelli G, Özgökmen T., Rebozo M. A., Ryab E. H. and Streßer, M. (2021). UAS current mapping: A wave-based heading and position correction. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi:10.1175/jtech-d-20-0123.1.
Suggested Citation:
Novelli, Guillaume, Cedric Guigand, Bjoern Lund, Brian Haus, and Tamay Ozgokmen. 2022. Drone-based visual photography for current detection across Biscayne Bay's Bear Cut, Florida from 2018-02-19 to 2018-02-23. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-11te-m018
Data Parameters and Units:
Main parameters included are: Deployment Name [e.g. D20_1, i.e. the 1st deployment on Feb 20th]; Drifter ID; Date and Time [(yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss) in UTC]; Longitude [degrees]; Latitude [degrees]; GT-31 GPRMC [Speed over the ground in knots]; GT-31 GPRMC [Track angle in degrees]; u [current eastward velocity (m/s)]; v [current northward velocity (m/s)]; Conductivity [S/m]; Temperature [degrees C]; Depth [depth positive downward (m)]; u [increasing to east (m/s)]; v [increasing to north (m/s)]. Dataset also includes drone videos in .mov file format.
For drifter data, please note that all times are in UTC 24-hour format; all drifters had an eastward propagation, out of the bay with the outgoing tide, with the exception of deployment D22_1; 14 deployments with a total of 55 drifter track segments; and 13 unique drifters/buoy IDs were used. For Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), '1802' and '1803' are full-time spans of the two raw data files; one ADCP cycle takes 2 minutes; the ADCP was "On" for 11 cycles, then "Off" for 4 cycles (22 min On, the 8 min Off).
The Bear Cut unmanned aerial system (UAS) experiment was conducted by the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE) in collaboration with the Center for Southeastern Tropical Advanced Remote Sensing (CSTARS) and Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) from 19 to 23 February of 2018. The pilot study aimed at measuring surface currents across Biscayne Bay's Bear Cut channel using a commercial UAS. For validation purposes, CARTHE drifters were launched across the channel during the UAS flights, and an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) was deployed center-channel. For detailed methods on the experiment, please refer to the "data overview" and "methodology" sections in the associated publication, Lund et al., 2021.
Unmanned aerial system (UAS) - DJI Phantom 4 Pro (P4); CARTHE drifters consisting of a torus float with an integrated GPS and battery, two interlocking drogue panels of 0.4 m × 0.4 m, and a 0.2 m chain link; Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) - Nortek Aquadopp 2 MHz with an internal sampling rate of 23 Hz; YSI-CTD Castaway Sontek.