Macroinvertebrate community structure data for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill sampling in the Gulf of Mexico deep-sea benthos, 2010-2014, and daily sample logs from 2010-09-16 to 2010-10-20
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Funded By:
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Harte Research Institute
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems III (C-IMAGE III)
Paul A. Montagna
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi / The Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies
benthos, invertebrates, infauna, benthic, Deepwater Horizon, oil spill, macrofauna, National Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), community structure, deep sea, sediment
Benthic macroinfauna invertebrate community structure for all samples collected under the National Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) study of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Samples were collected during cruises in 2010, 2011, and 2014, aboard the R/V Gyre, R/V Ocean Veritas, M/V Sarah Bordelon, and M/V Irish (2010-09-16 to 2014-06-28). Sediment samples were collected to a depth of 10 cm and preserved in formalin. Upon return to the lab, macrofauna were extracted from core sections using 300-μm sieves and hand sorted under a dissecting microscope. All organisms were identified to the family level when possible. This dataset also includes documentation for the four cruises and cruise reports from the M/V Sarah Bordelon (2011), M/V Irish (2014), and R/V Ocean Veritas (2010); links to the original Gyre and Ocean Veritas data collected in 2010, served by NCEI (file ‘NODC DWH Ship Files.xlsx’); and the original daily data sheets, which detail (a) all sediment samples collected and (b) results from toxicology and hydrocarbon analyses conducted on board the Ocean Veritas and Gyre cruises. The daily sheets specify samples drawn for all analyses, core length, depth of the supernatant, and sample IDs for a suite of analysis, including sediment properties, visual appearance, bacteria, macrofauna, meiofauna, and hydrocarbons. These sheets are in a common format required by the Subsurface Monitoring Unit in Houma, Louisiana.
Suggested Citation:
Montagna. Paul A.. 2024. Macroinvertebrate community structure data for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill sampling in the Gulf of Mexico deep-sea benthos, 2010-2014, and daily sample logs from 2010-09-16 to 2010-10-20. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/7nt4bjzg
Assess potential damage and/or recovery to deep-sea benthos by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Data Parameters and Units:
Aggregated Community Structure Results: Reference Sheet: Journal articles (peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters); Technical Reports; data sets in publicly available archives Design Sheet: Station (station name); Y2010 (Sampling during 2010); Y2011 (sampling during 2011); Y2014 (sampling during 2014); LA_2010 (latitude in 2010, Decimal degrees); LA_2011 (latitude in 2011, decimal degrees); LA_2014 (latitude in 2014, decimal degrees); LO_2010 (longitude in 2010, decimal degrees); LO_2011 (longitude in 2011, decimal degrees); LO_2014 (longitude in 2014, decimal degrees); D_2010 (depth in 2010, m); D_2011 (depth in 2011, m); D_2014 (depth in 2012, m); Latitude (average latitude, decimal degrees); longitude (average longitude, decimal degrees); Depth (average depth, m) Data Sheet: Cruise (year sample collected); Date (DD-MMM-YYYY- date sampled); Station; RepCore (replicate and core location number, Box=sample by box core, not multicore); SP (HRI species code); TaxaCode (12-digit taxonomic code); SpName (species/taxa name, usually family level); n (macrofauna count per replicate to a depth of 10 cm, n); nm2 (macrofauna (ind/m2) to 10 cm, n/m2) Taxonomy Sheet: Taxacode (12-digit taxonomic code); SP (HRI species code); Phylum (phylum name); Class (class name); Order (order name); Family (family name); nm2 (average abundance over all samples by family, n/m2) WoRMS-match Sheet: SP (HRI species code); ScientificName (scientific name for taxa, mostly at family level); AphiaID (World Register of Marine Species/WoRMS acquisition number); Authority (names of authors originally describing the taxa level); ScientificName_accepted (accepted scientific name for taxa, mostly at family level); Authority_accepted (accepted names of authors originally describing the taxa level); Kingdom; Phylum; Class; Order; Family; Genus Sections Sheet: Cruise (year sample collected); Date (DD-MMM-YYYY, date sampled); Station; Rep (replicate number from 1-3); Core (core location number from 1-12, missing for boxcore); RepCore (replicate and core location number); Sec (sediment section depth); SP (HRI species code); n (macrofauna count per replicate to a depth of 10 cm); nm2 (macrofauna (individuals/m^2) to 10 cm) Original 2010 Data: NODC_2010_Locations (metadata for macrofauna/MF sampling and analysis): cruise number, cruise ID, station ID, latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees], water depth [m], date [mm/dd/yyyy], lat/lon datum [WGS84], surface conditions [wind direction/speed in knots, seas height [feet]; and cruise ID, station ID, Drop number (mega core drop number), sample ID, position number in core, number etched on carrier, core length [cm], supernatant length above top of core[cm], sediment length from bottom of core [cm], top of sample [cm], bottom of sample [cm], subsample ID, sample matrix [sediment/supernatant/distilled water], sample type [equipment rinsate/field blank/field duplicate/field sample/trip blank], collection method [composite/discrete], sample date, sampler time deployed [HH:MM, local], time sample collected at seabed [HH:MM, local], time core opened [HH:MM, local], analysis to be performed on sample [MF=macrofauna, MT= meiofauna/toxicology, SP= sediment properties, CT=contaminants, BC = bacteria, NO = no analysis], sample team, individual scientist, visual and aural properties of supernatant water (SU), visual, aural, and mechanical properties of sediment (SD), Unified Soil Classification System nomenclature, sample comments. The data sheets from the Gyre and Ocean Veritas follow a prescribed format which matches the NODC_2010_Locations.xlsx file; each variable in a file is given its own worksheet. Each file contains location information and field description (cruise number, cruise ID, station ID, latitude [decimal degrees], longitude [decimal degrees], water depth [m], date [MM/DD/YYYY], the datum used for the horizontal position [WGS84], notes on the sea surface conditions, and comments. If a sample sheet is included, its format also follows the NODC_2010_locations.xlsx file: cruise ID, station ID, Drop number (mega core drop number), sample ID, position number in core, number etched on carrier, core length [cm], supernatant length above top of core[cm], sediment length from bottom of core [cm], top of sample [cm], bottom of sample [cm], subsample ID, sample matrix [sediment/supernatant/distilled water], sample type [equipment rinsate/field blank/field duplicate/field sample/trip blank], collection method [composite/discrete], sample date, sampler time deployed [HH:MM, local], time sample collected at seabed [HH:MM, local], time core opened [HH:MM, local], analysis to be performed on sample [MF=macrofauna, MT= meiofauna/toxicology, SP= sediment properties, CT=contaminants, BC = bacteria, NO = no analysis], sample team, individual scientist, visual and aural properties of supernatant water (SU), visual, aural, and mechanical properties of sediment (SD), Unified Soil Classification System nomenclature, sample comments. Most of the individual analysis worksheets (MT, MF, SP, BC, AC, OT, BC, SP, HC, BT, VA) only contain this information rather than test results. The two exceptions are the GC analysis tab containing a variety of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon measurements and the MicroTox worksheet. Gas Chromatograph results: sample ID, cruise ID, station ID, surface conditions (presence of oil), naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, flourene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, bonzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenz(ah)anthracene, benzo(ghi)perylene, MDL (method detection limit), moisture [fraction], and comments. MicroTox worksheets: SampleID, test date [MM/DD/YYYY], test time (5 or 15 minutes), instrument user ID (MANAGER), instrument ID (MASTER), test name (BASIC), description (multi coring device drop number), toxicant (supernatant water (SU) collected from core), reagent lot #, sample type (control, or 1/2/3/4, representing serial dilutions), replicate number, concentration (corresponds to sample type, resulting from serial dilution), IO0 (light measured at time t=0, It (light measured at test time t, 5 or 15 minutes), Gamma (ratio of light lost at time t to light remaining at time t, see worksheet for formula), and % Effect (Gamma/(1+Gamma)*100). In lieu of the GC worksheet found in the Gyre data files, the Ocean Veritas data files also contain a worksheet called Res_Obs_Field_Descriptions which contain a summary of dissolved oxygen and hydrocarbon analyses: Sample ID; sheen (level of sheen observed on CTD rosette bottle, [None/Slight/Heavy]); dissolved oxygen (measured by LaMotte 5860 colormetric test kit, [mg/L]); dissolved oxygen (measured by shipboard handheld probe, [mg/L]); dissolved oxygen (measured by Winkler titration, [mg/L]); dissolved oxygen (measured by shipboard optical probe, [mg/L]); benzene (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]); toluene (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]); ethyl benzene (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]); m_p_benzene (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]); o-xylene (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]); total hydrocarbon concentration (measured by Hapside GC unit, [ppb, 0=not detected, blank = not analyzed]).
Samples collected using an OSIL, Bowers and Connelly, Multiple Corer (multi-corer), or an Ohara box core. Box core samples are denoted by "Box" in replicate-core (repcore) column. The OSIL corer collects twelve sediment "cores" per deployment. Each deployment is a "replicate drop." One to three replicates were collected at all stations. See references in Provenance and Historical References.
Provenance and Historical References:
Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group. 2011. Mississippi Canyon 252 Oil Spill, NRDA Sampling Plan, Deepwater Sediment Sampling to Assess Potential Post-Spill Benthic Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 20 May 2011. 35 pp. Deepwater Benthic Communities Technical Working Group. 2014. Addendum to the Mississippi Canyon 252 Oil Spill, NRDA Sampling Plan, Deepwater Sediment Sampling to Assess Post-Spill Benthic Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 10 July 2014. 25 pp. Cooksey, C., J.G. Baguley, and P.A. Montagna. 2015. Cruise Report for Deepwater Sediment Sampling Cruise M/V IRISH: Leg 1, 29 May to 10 June 2014, to Assess Potential Benthic Impacts from the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Oil Spill. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 205. 116 pp. Cooksey C., and Montagna, P.A. 2016. Addendum to Cruise Report for Deepwater Sediment Sampling Cruise M/V IRISH: Leg 2, 14 June to 28 June 2014. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS xxx. 186 pp. Harte Research Institute. 2012. Sediment Analysis Methods. Sediment Grain Size Distribution, Sediment Water Content, Total Carbon Nitrogen and Organic Carbon Concentration. HRI SOP # 9602. Texas A&M University, Harte Research Institute, Corpus Christi, TX. Montagna P.A., J.G. Baguley, C. Cooksey, I. Hartwell, L.J. Hyde, J.L. Hyland, R.D. Kalke, L.M. Kracker, M. Reuscher, and A.C.E. Rhodes. 2013. Deep-Sea Benthic Footprint of the Deepwater Horizon Blowout. PLoS ONE 8(8): e70540. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070540 Related data are available in GRIIDC datasets: Paul Montagna. 2017. Temporal analysis of NRDA sediment chemistry data, northern Gulf of Mexico, 2010, 2011, and 2014. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. DOI:10.7266/N7GQ6VSX, UDI: R4.x267.000:0018 Paul Montagna. 2017. Temporal analysis of NRDA macrofauna data, northern Gulf of Mexico, 2010, 2011, and 2014. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. DOI:10.7266/N7BZ643F, UDI: R4.x267.000:0019 Paul Montagna. 2020. Benthic footprint of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill data analyzed from sediment cores collected aboard R/V Ocean Veritas and R/V Gyre cruises in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-16 to 2010-10-22. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. DOI:10.7266/FDKAJKNF, UDI: R5.x272.000:0007 Paul A. Montagna. 2020. Deep-sea sediment Microtox toxicity data analyzed from sediment cores collected aboard multiple research cruises in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2010-09-16 to 2010-10-23. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. DOI:10.7266/CDDK49GB, UDI: R6.x805.000:0099