This dataset contains persistent organic pollutants (POPs) concentrations in seven species of snapper (Silk Snapper, Wenchman, Yellowtail Snapper, Blackfin Snapper, Queen Snapper, Mutton Snapper, Black Snapper) collected aboard R/V Weatherbird II cruises WB1602, WB1603, WB1701, WB1731, and WB1736 in coastal Cuba and the wider Gulf of Mexico from 2015-08-16 to 2017-07-19. POPs were extracted from homogenized liver tissues using QuEChERS EMR (Agilent Technologies, Bond Elut) and confirmed and quantified using an Agilent’s 7890B gas chromatograph (GC) coupled to a 7010 tandem mass spectrometer (MS/MS) operating in multiple reactions mode (MRM). The dataset includes the date, location of sample collection sites, concentration of various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in liver tissue, total of the 46 parental PAHs and the alkylated homologues, total organochlorine pesticides, and total polychlorinated biphenyls in nanogram per gram of liver wet weight.
Suggested Citation:
Erin Pulster, Steven Murawski. 2020. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) concentrations in seven species of snapper collected aboard multiple R/V Weatherbird II cruises in coastal Cuba and the wider Gulf of Mexico from 2015-08-16 to 2017-07-19. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/2BPWXDZ1
Data Parameters and Units:
Cruise, Vessel (R/V Weatherbird II), Principal Investigator (Steven A. Murawski), Year (YYYY), Month (MM), Day (DD), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Species name (Silk Snapper, Wenchman, Yellowtail Snapper, Blackfin Snapper, Queen Snapper, Mutton Snapper, Black Snapper), Matrix (liver), Transect #, Station #, Fish ID, PAHs concentrations (concentration of various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in nanogram per gram of wet weight (ng/g w.w.)), T46PAH (total of the 46 parental PAHs and the alkylated homologues, ng/g w.w.), TOCP (total organochlorine pesticides, ng/g w.w.), TPCB (total polychlorinated biphenyls, ng/g w.w.). Please note: Zeros indicate levels were below the method detection limits.
Dataset also includes the cruise documentation for the R/V Weatherbird II cruises WB1602 (2015-08-16 to 2015-08-17), WB1603 (2015-09-17 to 2015-09-18), WB1701 (2016-08-06 to 2016-09-05), WB1731 (2017-05-12 to 2017-05-23), and WB1736 (2017-07-19) led by chief scientists Dr. Steven Murawski and Dr. David Hollander.