This experiment was conducted to evaluate the gene expression of IGM in red snapper exposed to a chemically enhanced water-accommodated fraction (CEWAF) of south Louisiana crude oil and/or Vibrio anguillarum in a controlled laboratory setting. This was done with qPCR using 18S as a housekeeping gene. The dataset consists of details of exposure treatments, preparation of CEWAF, loading concentrations of Vibrio, and gene expression.
Data Parameters and Units:
Dataset contains 1 Excel file with multiple worksheets that detail the experimental setup and conditions (Test Conditions table, Sample Key, System Key), how CEWAF were made (CEWAF Preparation), loading concentrations for pathogen exposures (Vibrio Loads), and Gene Expression.
Naming convention: Sample IDs are named as "CII-15-0000", where three letter laboratory project code (CII=CIMAGE-II)-two digit year (2015=15)-four digit integral assigned by laboratory beginning at 0000 for each new year (0000 through 9999). Please note: MML= Mote Marine Laboratory; MDL= Minimum Detectable Limit; SW = seawater; CEWAF = chemically enhanced water accommodated fraction of oil; R = Reservoir; T = Tank; C/B/C = CEWAF/ bacteria/ CEWAF; B = Bacteria; CEWAF/B/SW = chemically enhanced WAF/bacteria/seawater; CFU = colony-forming unit; ATTC = ATCC is the premier global biological materials resource and standards organization whose mission focuses on the acquisition, authentication, production, preservation, development, and distribution of standard reference microorganisms, cell lines, and other materials.
Test Conditions Table: Contains information regarding the setup of the experiments in terms of species, life stage of species, exposure type, number of replicates per treatment, description of treatments, aeration, and exposure design.
Sample Key: Field ID, MML, Matrix, Collected Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Collected Time(NA), Species (Red Snapper), Exposure System, Exposure Treatment.
System Key: Exposure System Number, Treatment, System Abbreviation.
CEWAF Preparation: Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Preparation Time (HH:MM/NA), Oil weight (g), Oil Residual (g), Corexit Volume (ml), Corexit residual (ml), Flask1, Flask2, Flask3, Total (g), Comments.
Vibrio Loads: Treatment, Bacteria, Strain, Loading Concentration (CFU/ml), Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Inoculation Time (HH:MM), Treatment, Tank, #fish, CFUs, Start Time and End Time (HH:MM).
Gene Expression: Collected Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Exposure Treatment, Matrix, MML, Field ID, IgM ∆CT.