This dataset contains concentrations of Tri-iodothyronine (T3 ), Thyroxine (T4), and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in adult pompano after exposure to a chemically enhanced water-accommodated fraction (CEWAF) of south Louisiana crude oil and reproduction.
Suggested Citation:
Dana Wetzel. 2020. Chemically enhanced water-accommodated fractions (CEWAF)- exposed Florida pompano reproduction: Thyroid Function Assays. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-3nty-7169
Data Parameters and Units:
Dataset consists of 1 Excel file with multiple worksheets that detail the experimental setup and conditions (Naming Convention, T208 Sample Key, Test Conditions Table, Tank Descriptions, and ELISA).
The worksheet "Naming Convention": Sample IDs are named as "CII-15-0000", where three letter laboratory project code (CII=CIMAGE-II)-two digit year (2015=15)-four digit integral assigned by laboratory beginning at 0000 for each new year(0000 through 9999).
The worksheet “T208 Sample Key” includes - Collected Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Field ID (Fish #), Matrix (Plasma-EDTA), MML Number, Species (Florida Pompano), Gender (Male/Female), Weight (g), and Length (cm).
The worksheet “Tank Descriptions” includes - Tank, # Female, # Male, Treatment (Control/CEWAF), Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY), End Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Date Spike A, Time Spike A, Date Spike B, Time Spike B, and Notes.
The worksheets “ELISA” includes - Spawning tank, Goiter, Treatment (CEWAF/Control), Fish ID, and replicate measurements of Cusabio T4 (ng/ml), Cusabio TSH (Ug/ml), and Cusabio T3 (ng/ml).
The worksheet “Test Conditions Table” includes - Test Name (Pompano Adult Water Exposure), Test ID: 208, Species tested (Florida Pompano), Life-stage/age (Adult), Test Duration, Exposure Type, Renewal frequency, Number of replicates per treatment (9), Organisms per tank, Temperature, Salinity, Number of Treatments, and the description of treatments.
Plasma samples were analyzed using ELISA kits prepared by Cusabio for T3 (CSB E084888), T4 (CSB E08489F), and TSH (CSB EQ027261FI) according to manufacturer protocols.