A compilation of meiofauna data collected around the Gulf of Mexico. The data from the following 6 projects is included: National Resource Damage Assessment, Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos Program, Rigs/Reefs, C-Image II Ixtoc, Gulf of Mexico Offshore Operations and Monitoring Experiment, and Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope study. The date of collection ranges from 1983-2015. The data-set includes project name, station name, station location, station depth, sample date, replicate number, richness, abundance, nematode to copepod ratios, Shannon's Diversity, Evenness, and Hill's N1 Diversity. Meta-analysis of Gulf of Mexico Macrofauna data collected from 1983 to 2015 is available under GRIIDC UDI R6.x805.000:0062 (doi:10.7266/n7-4g22-3t28).
Suggested Citation:
Paul Montagna. 2018. Meta-analysis of Gulf of Mexico Meiofauna data from 1983-11-26 to 2015-08-06. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-7247-vx96
Data Parameters and Units:
Project (NRDA, Ixtoc, DGOMB, GOOMEX, EPA97, NGOMCSS), station, latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), depth (meters), date (dd-mmm-yyyy), replicate number (Rep), Diversity as Richness (Mei_S, number of taxa (S) per core), Abundance (Mei_nm2, number of individuals per meter square), Nematode to copepod ratio (NC), Diversity as H’ (Mei_Hprime, Shannon index, per core), Evenness as J’ (Mei_Jprime, Pielou index, per core), Diversity as N1 (Mei_N1, Hill index, per core).
A compilation of past field collections:
National Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA): Data from Baguley et al., (2015) for locations in the northern GoM near the DWH site.
Ixtoc: Data from C-IMAGE-II for locations in the southern GoM near the Ixtoc oil spill site.
Deep Gulf of Mexico Benthos Program (DGOMB): Data from Baguley et al., (2006) for the northern GoM.
Gulf of Mexico Offshore Operations Monitoring Experiment (GOOMEX): Data from Montagna and Harper, (1996) for the northwestern GoM near five hydrocarbon production platforms.
Rigs vs Reefs Experiment (EPA97): Data from Montagna et al., (2002) for the northwestern GoM near three hydrocarbon production platforms.
Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Study (NGOMCSS): Data from Galleway (1988) for location in the central GoM.
Provenance and Historical References:
Baguley, J. G., P. A. Montagna, C. Cooksey, J. L. Hyland, H. W. Bang, C. Morrison, A. Kamikawa, P. Bennetts, G. Saiyo, E. Parsons, M. Herdener, M. Ricci. 2015. Community response of deep-sea soft-sediment metazoan meiofauna to the Deepwater Horizon blowout and oil spill. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 528, 127–140. doi:10.3354/meps11290
Baguley J. G., P. A. Montagna, L. J. Hyde, R. D. Kalke, G. T. Rowe. 2006. Metazoan meiofauna abundance in relation to environmental variables in the northern Gulf of Mexico deep sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 53(8), 1344–1362. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2006.05.012
Montagna, P. A. and D. E. Harper, Jr. 1996. Benthic infaunal long-term response to offshore production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 53(11), 2567–2588. doi:10.1139/f96-215
Montagna, P. A., S. C. Jarvis, and M. C. Kennicutt II. 2002. Distinguishing between contaminant and reef effects on meiofauna near offshore hydrocarbon platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59(10), 1584–1592. doi:10.1139/f02-131
Gallaway, Benny J., Larry R. Martin and Randall L . Howard (Eds .). 1988. Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope Study, Annual Report : Year 3 . Volume III : Appendices. Annual report submitted to the Minerals Management Service, New Orleans, LA . Contract No. 14-12-0001-30212 . OCS Study/MMS 87-0061. 763 PP. Volume III. Appendices.