Data Parameters and Units:
Beta, thermal expansion coefficient, (m/s); calc_delta, Calculate delta (-1: false, 1: true), (boolean); cj, Discharge tracer concentration, (nondimensional); co, isothermal compressibility coefficient, (Pa^(-1)); delta_groups, group contribution method delta groups, (nondimensional); depth, Initial depth below the water surface, (m); diameter, Orifice diameter, (m); dt_max, Simulation maximum duration, (s); extern_data, External chem database (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); fdis, dissolution criteria, (nondimensional); fp_type, fluid phase (0: gas, 1: liquid, 2: solid), (nondimensional); gamma, API Gravity, (deg API); isair, fluid is air (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); iscompressible, Compressibility (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); isfluid, Fluid status (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); issoluble, solubility (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); K, mass transfer reduction factor, (nondimensional); K_T, heat transfer reduction factor, (nondimensional); m0, initial mass flux, (kg/s); P, ambient pressure at the release point, (Pa); particle_type, dispersed_phases Particle type, (0: Single, 1:Plume, 2:Bent plume particle); phi_0, Discharge vertical angle to horizontal, (rad); q, Lagranian plume model state space, (variable); rho_p, particle density, (kg/m^3); Sa, ambient salinity at the release point, (psu); sd_max, Maximum distance along centerline s/D, (nondimensional); sigma_correction, interfacial tension reduction factor (--), (nondimensional); Sj, Discharge salinity, (psu); T0, initial temperature, (K); Ta, ambient temperature at the release point, (K); theta_0, Discharge horizontal angle to x-axis, (rad); time, time along the plume centerline, (s); Tj, Discharge temperature, (K); track, SBM Status (0: false, 1: true), (boolean); Vj, Discharge velocity, (m/s); x0, Initial value of the x-coordinate, (m); y0, Initial value of the y-coordinate, (m).