This dataset contains an assessment of lateralization behavior in the Bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) following exposure to source crude oil. Following 24 hours of exposure to either control or dilution of crude source oil, damselfish were tested for their lateralization response. This endpoint was measured as a right/left turn preference. The test administrator gently guided the fish to the end of an arena where the animal must make a choice to turn left or right. This data was recorded multiple times on each individual, and include videos of behavior.
Suggested Citation:
Heuer, R., Grosell, M., Esch, E.. 2020. Effects of crude oil on behavioral lateralization in the Bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus). Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/R4BZNAA4
Data Parameters and Units:
Text file: "Damselfish oil data readme” is a ReadMe file and contains general information and the contents of the other data files.
Excel file: “Damselfish fish identification and raw lateralization data” contains the treatment corresponding to individual fish identification numbers and morphometrics on these fish in the first tab labelled “Fish identification.” The second tab labelled “Raw data of turn preference,” contains the individual raw data of turn preferences used to calculate relative and absolute lateralization values are reported. Please note L means the fish turned left, R means the fish turned right, and no data means that only fifteen turns were recorded instead of twenty for the first two fish. The third tab labelled “Water chemistry measurements” contains initial and final measurements of various water chemistry parameters at the beginning and end of the twenty for hour exposure period. The water chemistry parameters measured are - Temperature (degree celsius), pH, dissolved oxygen (milligrams per liter), salinity (practical salinity units, psu).
Excel file: “Damselfish behavioral lateralization oil data” contains the concentration of each component in the crude oil and includes - initial sample, final sample, date of sample, name of crude oil analyte, and concentration (units are in micrograms per liter). Please note that an initial sample was taken on March 15, 2020, for animals tested in crude oil on March 16, 2020, but a final crude oil sample was not taken.
Video files: The dataset also includes fourteen total video files “3.11.fish1 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish2 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish3 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish4 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish5 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish6 mp4 file,” “3.11.fish7 mp4 file,” “3.16.fish8 mp4 file,” “3.16.fish9 mp4 file,” “3.16.fish10 mp4 file,” 3.16.fish11 mp4 file,” “3.16.fish12 mp4 file,” “3.16.fish13 mp4 file,” and “3.16.fish14 mp4 file”. Video files are labelled with the date first, followed by the fish number. For example in file “3.11.fish1 mp4 file”, this was a video taken on March 11 2020, and the fish number was 1. There is one video file per fish for a total of fourteen files with the following names. Fish identifications are present in excel file labelled “Damselfish fish identification and raw lateralization data”
Bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) were exposed to either control seawater or seawater containing a dilution of source crude oil (0.75%) for twenty-four hours. After exposure, animals were tested in a behavioral lateralization tank, where they were gently moved to the end of the runway, prompting them to make a right or a left turn. This was repeated fifteen to twenty times per animal. There was a total of fourteen animals tested, eight controls, and six treated with oil. These tests were conducted on two occasions. The first started on March 10, 2020, and animals were tested on March 11, 2020. The second occurred on March 15, 2020, with animals tested on March 16, 2020.