Underway Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2019-06-08 to 2019-06-23
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Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk II (RECOVER II)
Martin Grosell
University of Miami / Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
ADCP, Hydrography, Conductivity, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, chlorophyll a, fluorescence, barometric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, air temperature
This dataset contains underway Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2019-06-08 to 2019-06-23. Data were collected as part of a mission to satellite tag adult control and oil exposed mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) and characterize the habitat where they were captured. Data included here are flow through underway (surface water) environmental data and underway ADCP data collected for the duration of the cruise. Underway current velocity profiles and surface water characteristics document the lateral distribution of salinity, temperature, and chlorophyll. The raw ADCP data were collected and processed using the University of Hawaii data acquisition system (UHDAS) during the cruise. The post-cruise data processing was conducted using the CODAS (Common Ocean Data Access System) processing. This dataset contains both raw and processed data. There were two vessel-mounted ADCPs on the Walton Smith operating at 75 kHz and 600 kHz, respectively. Both were manufactured by RD Instruments. This dataset was created by the RECOVER (Relationships of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in fish for Validation of Ecological Risk) Consortium and was made possible by a grant from the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.
Suggested Citation:
Schlenker, L., Stieglitz, J., Grosell, M.. 2020. Underway Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2019-06-08 to 2019-06-23. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-fj6q-5s78
A mahi-mahi satellite tagging study in the Florida Straits to characterize the vertical habitat and surface water conditions where adult mahi-mahi were captured.
Data Parameters and Units:
ADCP: Trajectory, Time (days since 2019-01-01 00:00:00 [decimal days]), longitude [degrees E], latitude [degrees N], U (zonal velocity [m/s]), V (meridional velocity [m/s]), amp (received signal strength), pg (percent good received pings [%]), pflag (editing flags), heading (ship heading [degrees]), tr_temp (transducer temperature [degrees C]), num_pings (number of pings averaged each ensemble), uship (ship zonal velocity [m/s]), vship (ship meridional velocity [m/s]) Barometer: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], Barometric Pressure [millibars], Barometric Pressure String [millibars] Debubbler in Flow: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Pump Out Flow [m^3/s], Raw Voltage [V] Depth: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], DBT depth below transducer [feet, m, and fathoms], Mnemonic [string], checksum DisOrgMat (Dissolved Organic Matter): Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Concentration, Raw Voltage, Gain, and Flow DisOrgMatFlow: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Flow, Raw Voltage [V]. Fluorometer: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Concentration [ug/L], Raw Voltage [V], Gain [dimensionless], Flow [m^3/s]. Fluorometer Flow: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Flow [m^3/s], Raw Voltage [V]. GPS1, GPS2: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], GPS Time [hhmms.sss], Latitude Deg [degrees], Latitude Minutes [XX.XXXXXX], Latitude Direction [N], Longitude Degrees [degrees], Longitude Minutes [XX.XXXXXX], Longitude Direction [W], Altitude [m], Geoid Height [m], Horizontal Dilution, Satellites, Fix Quality, Mnemonic, Checksum. GyroCompass: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], True Heading (degrees East of North), Mnemonic, Checksum. Lister: Date (MM/DD/YYYY], Time (hh:mm:ss], GPS1 Latitude degrees, GPS1 Latitude Minutes, Latitude Direction, GPS1 Longitude degrees, GPS1 Longitude Minutes, Longitude Direction, GPS1 SOG speed over ground [knots], GPS1 COG course over ground [degrees True], GPS1 Latitude [decimal degrees], GPS1 Longitude [decimal degrees], GPS2 Latitude degrees, GPS2 Latitude Minutes, Latitude Direction, GPS2 Longitude degrees, GPS2 Longitude Minutes, Longitude Direction, GPS2 SOG speed over ground [knots], GPS2 COG course over ground [degrees True], GPS1 Latitude [decimal degrees], GPS1 Longitude [decimal degrees], Gyroscope Bottom Speed [Knots], Water Speed [Knots], PIR (Precision Infrared Radiometer PIR [W/m^2]), PSP (precision spectral pyranometer [W/m^2]), TUV (Total Ultraviolet Radiation [W/m^2]), Rain Gauge Condition Code, Instantaneous Precipitation [mm/hr], Accumulative Precipitation [mm], Depth [feet], Depth [m], Depth [fathoms], Fluorometer Reading [V], Gain (dimensionless), DisOrgMat (Dissolved Organic Matter Reading (V]), Gain [dimensionless], POSMV Longitude degree [degrees], POSMV Longitude minutes [minutes], POSMV Longtitude Dir [W], POSMV Lat [decimal degrees], POSMV Lon [decimal degrees], POSMV SOG [knots], POSMV COG [degrees True], Turner C7 Chlorophyll-a [ug/L], CDOM Colored Dissolved OrganicbMatter [ug/L], Turbidity [NTU], Crude Oil, Phycoerythrin, Phycocyanin [ug/L], Depth [m], Temperature [degrees C]. MicroTSG1 – Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Temperature [deg C], Conductivity [Seimens/m], Remote Temperature [deg C], Salinity [PSU], Raw Temperature [deg C], Raw Conductivity [Seimens/m], Raw Remote Temperature [deg C], TSG ThermoSalinoGraph Instrument Flow [m^2/s], Temperature Frequency [Hz], Conductivity Frequency [Hz], Remote Temperature Frequency [Hz]. Output Pressure: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Output Pressure (PSI), Raw Voltage [V]. PortRMYoung: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Air Temperature [deg C], Humidity [g/m^3], Barometric Pressure [millibars], Mnemonic, Checksum. POSMV: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], GPS Time [seconds of the week], Latitude (Degrees Minutes Direction), Longitude (Degrees Minutes Direction), Altitude [m], Geoid Height (meters), Horizontal Dilution, Satellites, Fix, Quality, Mnemonic, Checksum. Post-Strainer Pressure: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Post-Strainer Pressure [PSI], Raw Voltage [V]. Pre-Strainer Pressure: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Pre-Strainer Pressure [PSI], Raw Voltage [V]. Pump Out Flow: Date [MM/DD/YYYY] Time [hh:mm:ss], Pump Out Flow [m^3/s], Raw Voltage [V]. RADD1: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], LW Radiation [W/m^2], T Dome [deg C], T Case [deg C]q, SW Radiation [W/m^2], Mnemonic. RADD2: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], LW Radiation [W/m^2], T Dome [deg C], T Case [deg C]q, SW Radiation [W/m^2], Mnemonic. RainGauge: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Condition Code, Instantaneous Precipitation [mm/hour], Accumulated Precipitation [mm], Signal Strength: Raw Average [dB]), Adaptive Baseline [dB], Temperature [deg Celsius]. SBTemp: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [hh:mm:ss], Temperature [deg C], Conductivity [Seimens/m], Remote Temperature [deg C], Salinity [PSU], Raw Temperature [deg C], Raw Conductivity [Seimens/m], Raw Remote Temperature [deg Celsius], TSG ThermoSalinoGraph Instrument Flow [m^2/s], Temperature Frequency [Hz], Conductivity Frequency [Hz], Remote Temperature Frequency [Hz]. StarboardRMYoung: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], Relative Wind Speed [Knots], Relative Wind Direction [Degrees East of North], True Wind Speed [Knots], True Wind Direction [Degrees East of North], Mnemonic, Checksum. Turner C7: Computer Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Computer Time [hh:mm:ss], Instrument Date [MM/DD/YY], Instrument Time [hh:mm:ss], Chlorophyll-a Fluorescence Raw and Calibrated [ug/L], CDOM Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Raw and Calibrated [ug/L], Turbidity Raw and Calibrated [NTU], No Sensor Installed, No Sensor Installed, Phycoerythrin Raw and Calibrated, Phycocyanin Raw and Calibrated [ug/L]), Depth [m], Temperature [deg C].
Data included here are flow through underway (surface water) environmental data and underway Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data collected for the duration of the cruise.
RD Instruments 75 kHz Vessel Mounted ADCP RD Instruments 600 kHz Vessel Mounted ADCP Sea-Bird Electronics MicroThermoSalinoGraph (SBE 45 MicroTSG) Sea-Bird Electronics Digital Oceanographic Thermometer (SBE 38) Seapoint Fluorometers - chlorophyll (SCF) & CDOM (SUVF) Turner Designs C6 multi-sensor platform with chlorophyll, CDOM, crude oil, phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, and optical brighteners RM Young Company weather stations Eppley Laboratories radiometers