Suggested Citation:
Nelson, Derek and Dane Crossley. 2020. In vivo cardiac function during swimming in juvenile red drum fish (Sciaenops ocellatus) following crude oil exposure. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-79tt-py12
To quantify cardiac output, heart rate, stroke volume, ventral aortic pressure, dorsal aortic pressure in resting juvenile red drum fish (Sciaenops ocellatus) during stepwise hypoxia and following 24-hour exposure to 10% high energy water accommodated fraction (HEWAF) of oil from surface.
Data Parameters and Units:
All Labchart files were converted to .txt files, a readme file is included for each file. Water quality spread sheets were converted to .csv files. All folders and files are for dataset R6x804.000:0028 in vivo. Labchart instructions and Labchart raw data files are contained in the Labchart folder. Analytical sample inventory, tank ID dilution, test condition table, test performance monitoring, WAF prep and water quality monitoring files are contained in the data entry sheets folder.
PAH Analysis files (stock code), K1810149(1,2,3), K1810433(4,5,7), K1812015 (8,9), K1812086 (9,10), K1812351 (11), K1900179(20,21,22), K1910409 (23), K1910983 (27), K1911165(28,29), K1911303 (30), K1911549 (31,32), K1911859 (34,35), K2001636 (46,47), K2002504 (48,50) are contained in the Total PAH Analysis.
Cardiovascular abbreviations:
Heart Rate (HR, bpm); Stroke volume (SV mL); Cardiac Output (SV*HR, Q or CO); Ventral aortic pressure (Pva, kPa); Dorsal aortic pressure (Pda, kPa)
Stroke Volume = volume of blood ejected by ventricle during each contraction
Cardiac Output = volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute
The headers are as follows- Tank ID Dilution or Stock Code; Date (DD-MMM-YY); Time (HH:MM); Period, Water Temperature (temp, deg. C); pH, dissolve oxygen (D.O., mg/L); salinity (ppt); total ammonia (uM); notes; recorded by; oil type; oil loading rate (g/L); Temperature (Temp, dec. C); Cross-sectional area (mm^2); Force (mN mm^-2); Rate of contraction (mN mm^-2 sec^-1); Rate of 50% relaxation (mN mm^-1 sec^-1), Frequency (Hz); PAH (ug/L); WAF prep. method (HEWAF = high energy water accommodated fraction); Oil type (OFS = oil from the surface); Water/diluent volume (L); Mass of dispersant added (mg); Mass of oil added (mg); Calculated nominal concentration (mg/L); Time (HH:MM)
Heart Rate (HR, bpm); Flow (mL/min); SV (Flow Mean); Cardiac Output (SV*HR); Ventral aortic pressure (Pva, kPa); Dorsal aortic pressure (Pda, kPa); Integral; Cardiac Output = volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute (CO, mL/min); Stroke Volume = volume of blood ejected by ventricle during each contraction (SV, mL); PAH (ug/L); WAF prep. method (HEWAF = high energy water accommodated fraction); Oil type (OFS = oil from the surface); Water/diluent volume (L); Mass of dispersant added (mg); Mass of oil added (mg); Calculated nominal concentration (mg/L); Time (HH:MM)
Juvenile red drum fish (Sciaenops ocellatus) were anesthetized with MS222 until motor reflexes were abolished. The fish were then transferred to a surgical tray with gills irrigated. The ventral aorta was dissected free from epithelium tissue, roughly 0.5 cm above the isthmus, and instrumented with a doppler probe. A microscope was used to identify the afferent and efferent branchial arteries of the third gill arch. Both arteries were cannulated with PE tubing. The leads were then anchored to the body and free from obstruction. 24 hours post-surgery, a stepwise hypoxia challenge was initiated by bubbled nitrogen gas and allowed to recover. The red drum fish were exposed to 10% HEWAF for 24 hours. After the exposure period, a stepwise hypoxia challenge was initiated by bubbled nitrogen gas. The red drum fish were euthanized by MS222 overdose.