Mahi-mahi satellite tagging data collected in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic from 2019-06-13 to 2019-08-26, deployed during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 (2019-06-08 - 2019-06-23)
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File Format(s):
csv, prv, pxp, xlsx
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Relationship of Effects of Cardiac Outcomes in Fish for Validation of Ecological Risk II (RECOVER II)
Martin Grosell
University of Miami / Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
mahi-mahi, fisheries data, Coryphaena hippurus, pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs), fish tagging, Argos, temperature, depth, light levels, fish acceleration
This dataset contains mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) satellite tagging data collected during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico from 2019-04-26 to 2019-08-26 as part of a mission to satellite tag adult control and oil exposed mahi-mahi and characterize the habitat where they were captured. Mahi-mahi were tagged with Wildlife Computers Inc. pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) programmed to collect light, depths, temperature, and acceleration values and then transmitted via the Argos satellite network. All the raw PSATs data for each tagged mahi-mahi are included in the dataset. PSATs data include temperatures, depths, light levels, and acceleration, as well as fish tracks. The R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 was led by chief scientist Lela Schlenker with the objective of tagging mahi-mahi with pop-up satellite archival tags.
Suggested Citation:
Schlenker, Lela and Martin Grosell. 2020. Mahi-mahi satellite tagging data collected in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic from 2019-06-13 to 2019-08-26, deployed during R/V F. G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 (2019-06-08 - 2019-06-23). Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-048s-e981
Understanding the migrations, habitat use, and acceleration behavior of wild mahi-mahi in the Gulf of Mexico under control and oil exposure conditions.
Data Parameters and Units:
Complete Argos transmitted datasets for satellite-tagged mahi-mahi. Data is organized by tag in forty different folders. Each folder is named after the satellite tag number and contains data from one pop-up satellite archival tag attached to one fish. The content of each file located within each folder are described below: The file *-Series.csv contains subsampled archive data that is sent through Argos. Depth (meters) and temperature (degrees Celsius) are collected every five minutes. The ‘DRange’ and ‘TRange’ columns characterize the potential error contained in the ‘Depth’ and ‘Temperature’ columns respectively. The file *-SeriesRange.csv is a companion file to the Series.csv spreadsheet. It consolidates the minimum and maximum values observed for depth and temperature. The tag is most likely sampling its sensors at a higher rate than what is transmitted in the Time Series messages; the values found in this file may have been observed during one of those higher rate samples. Therefore, it is possible that any min or max value found in this file might not be present in the Series.csv file. The file *-All.csv includes all undecoded messages received from Argos. This is very similar to the RawArgos.csv files. Parameters include Platform ID No. (aArgos Platform Transmitter Terminal identifier unique to a tag); Prg No. (Argos Program number to which the PTT id belongs); Latitude/Longitude (position calculated by Argos for the satellite pass of interest, [decimal degrees]); Loc. Quality (class of location generated by Argos for the satellite pass containing this message); Loc. Date (date and time of location, [M/DD/YYYY HH:SS]); Loc. Type (type of location, [Argos]); Altitude (altitude of location calculated by Argos, not applicable to marine deployments); Pass (number of the satellite pass); Sat (satellite name); Frequency (measured frequency of the Argos pass); Msg. Date (date and time the message was received by Argos [M/DD/YYY HH:SS]); Comp (number of duplicate messages in this satellite pass); Msg (number of messages received in this satellite pass); > -120 DB (number of messages with a signal strength > -1200 dB); Best level (dB level of best message in the pass); Delta freq (same as ‘Frequency’); Long. 1 (longitude of tag, same as 'Longitude', [decimal degrees]); Lat. sol. 1 (latitude of tag, same as 'Latitude', [decimal degrees]). Long. 2 (second longitude estimated by location algorithm, [decimal degrees]); Lat. sol. 2 (second latitude estimated by location algorithm, [decimal degrees]); Loc. idx (location quality index); Nopc (number of likely checks); Error radius (radius of error represented as a circle, [m]); Semi-major axis (semi-major axis of location error represented by ellipse [m]); Semi-minor axis (semi-minj or axis of location error represented by ellipse [m]); Ellipse orientation (the angle the ellipse makes with true north, proceeding clockwise [0 to 360, blank field = 0]). GDOP (geometric dilution of precision); SENSOR #01...SENSOR #32 Raw message data. The file *-LightLoc.csv files contain nine light levels (at 440nm [W/cm^]) collected around dawn and dusk for each day of tag deployment. Parameters include Index (counter incremented each time a light curve is identified); DeployID; Ptt (same as DeployID); DepthSen; Source; Instr [MiniPAT]; Day [DD-Jun-19]; Time [HH:MM:SS]; Time Offs [enum]; Count; InitLocQ (quality of InitLat and InitLon); InitTIme (date and time corresponding to InitLat and InitLon, [M/DD/YYYY HH:MM]); InitLat (most appropriate available latitude within 24 hours of ‘Day' and ‘Time’, [decimal degrees]); InitLon (most appropriate available longitude within 24 hours of 'Day' and 'Time', [decimal degrees]); Deepest (deepest depth the tag was at during the light curve [m]); SSTTime (time of the sea surface temperature sample); SSTDepth (depth of sea surface temperature sampled [m]); SSTTemp (sea surface temperature, [degrees C]); Type (type of information contained in this row [Dawn curve, Dusk Curve, Begin = deployment start date, End = Deployment end date]); Delta (time between individual light level samples in the following list [seconds]); MinDepth (minimum depth in of any of the light level samples [m]);. The resolution is 32 meters. The midpoint end of the range is reported. MaxDepth (maximum depth for any of the light level samples [m]. The resolution is 32 meters. The midpoint of the range is reported); AttenShallow: The shallow light attenuation constant calculated by the tag and used for this dawn or dusk. AttenDeep: The deep light attenuation constant calculated by the tag and used for this dawn or dusk. TravelMetric (measure of the vertical distance traveled since previous dawn or dusk. The value is log2 of the sum of absolute values of all depth deltas); FoundPrevious (flag for detection of the previous dawn or dusk [1=yes, 0=no]); K (value that helps insure the integrity of the light level values); LLO...LLO8 (light level samples [W/cm^2]); Depth0…Depth08 (depth corresponding light reading [m]). The file *-RTC.csv: Many tags incorporate an onboard clock to keep track of the current date and time. All clocks have some amount of drift depending on many factors such as initial calibration, reference frequency technology, ambient temperature, etc. The Data Portal maintains an internal database of tag time vs. real-world time and makes timestamp corrections when necessary. This spreadsheet details the Data Portal's internal correction database. The file *_DailyData.csv: This spreadsheet is generated if the decoded data contain information regarding the broad daily readings of the tag. The file *-Locations.csv: This spreadsheet consolidates all the Argos locations of the floating PSAT once it has detached from the fish. The file *-Status.csv: Every Wildlife Computers tag sends regular status messages in addition to transmitting its experimental information. This file contains status messages with information that indicates the health and overall state of the tag. Not all tags send the same information, so some columns will be blank for specific tags. For instance, the MiniPAT does not support haul out so the ‘HaulOut’ column will always be empty for a MiniPAT.nd status of battery and transmitter voltage while Argos transmissions were made. The file *-Orientation.csv: Number of upright and knockdown events in a two-hour period, the threshold for percent upright and count of knockdown events is set to 65 and 80 degrees respectively (90 degrees is tag completely upright and perpendicular to the body of the fish, 0 degrees is parallel to the body of the fish pointing posteriorly ). The file *-RawArgos.csv includes all undecoded messages received from Argos, including satellite pass information. The file *-Summary.csv: Each line in this spreadsheet contains information about one tag and gives general, high-level information about the tag's deployment. The file *-Argos.csv: Each row in this spreadsheet represents a single Argos satellite pass. Note: that this spreadsheet does NOT contain data from individual received messages. The file *.prv: Argos message data to be used with the Wildlife Computers DAP. The file *.pxp: Light data to be used with Igor Pro software. The file *-Corrupt.csv files list presumably corrupted data, with each row containing message whose contents were rejected by DAP. Most messages transmitted by Wildlife Computers tags incorporate features allowing detection of data corruption. There are many ways perfectly formed messages can be corrupted on their journey to and from an Argos satellite, including saltwater may have splashed over the tag's antenna during the transmission, another message may have been simultaneously transmitted by a different platform, and the two messages may have corrupted each other, atmospheric conditions may have led to the corruption of the message. Parameters include - DeployID, Ptt, Instr [MiniPAT], Date [M/DD/YYYY HH:MM], Duplicates, Satellite, LocationQ, Latitude, Longitude, Reason (a terse explanation of why the message was rejected. A reason such as "CRC" or "Checksum" means mathematical integrity checks indicate a corrupt message); Possible Timestamp (if the message at all resembled valid WC messages, this is the timestamp the data could have had. [M/DD/YYYY HH:MM]; Possible Type (if the message at all resembled valid WC messages, this is the kind of data the message might have had); Byte 0, Byte 1,.. Byte 31: These columns contain the data bytes, in decimal, as received from Argos. Presumably, one or more of these data bytes are corrupted. For the detailed description of all the variables included in the above-mentioned files, please refer to the worksheet "Folder and File Info" in the cruise documentation file "GRIIDC_Cruise_Data_Documentation_Schlenker-PSAT data.xlsx".
Mahi-mahi were captured using hook and line angling from either the F/V Yellowfin or the R/V Walton Smith and immediately transferred to the deck of the R/V Walton Smith were measured for fork-length, sampled for a fin clip, and tagged with a pop-up satellite archival tag. Mahi-mahi were randomly placed in one of two oxygenated 5,000 L exposure tanks for a 12-24-hour control or oil exposure. This dataset includes temperature (degree Celsius), depth (meters), light (Wcm-2 at 440nm), and summary of acceleration (g) data collected from satellite tags attached to wild adult mahi-mahi. Two tags contain a small number of location fixes dated April 2019. These fixes are tests conducted by the manufacturer prior to shipment and should be disregarded. Other associated datasets collected as a part of this research cruise (June, 2019) are available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDIs): R6.x804.000:0020 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-cyk9-sx09), R6.x804.000:0022 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-4dtr-8q59), and R6.x804.000:0033 (DOI: 10.7266/n7-cyk9-sx09)
Wildlife Computers miniPAT pop-up tag