This dataset reports mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) tagging data derived from a research cruise aboard the R/V F.G. Walton Smith WS19159 from 2019-06-09 to 2019-06-21 in the Gulf of Mexico as part of a mission to satellite tag adult control and oil exposed mahi-mahi. The dataset includes angling time, fish condition, fork length, sex, tagging information and fate of all mahi-mahi tagged. Mahi-mahi were captured using hook and line angling from the research vessel (R/V Walton Smith), or the fishing vessel (F/V Yellowfin). Some additional mahi-mahi caught from a fishing vessel were transferred to R/V Walton Smith and were tagged, recovered, and released from there. The R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 was led by chief scientist Lela Schlenker with the objective of tagging mahi-mahi with pop-up satellite archival tags.
Suggested Citation:
Schlenker, Lela, John Stieglitz, and Martin Grosell. 2020. Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) tagging data collected aboard R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruise WS19159 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2019-06-09 to 2019-06-21. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-cyk9-sx09
Data Parameters and Units:
Fish ID (Unique fish identification number); Tag ID (Pop-up satellite archival tag number attached to mahi-mahi); Oil of Control Treatment; Fate (Released, not released, or died in tank); Date Caught (Date caught, mm/dd/yyyy); Time Hooked (EST, hrs:min:sec) - Time mahi-mahi was hooked in 24-hr time (eastern standard time); Time Boated (EST, hrs:min:sec) - Time mahi-mahi was boated in 24-hr time (eastern standard time); Time in Tank (EST, hrs:min:sec) (EST) - Time mahi-mahi was placed in 5,000 L seawater recovery tank in 24-hr time (eastern standard time); FL (cm) - Fork length of mahi-mahi in centimeters; Sex (Sex of mahi-mahi caught); Catch Eye condition (1-3, excellent-poor)-Catch Condition of eyes of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor); Catch Color (1-3, excellent-poor)-Catch Color of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor); Catch Activity (1-3, excellent-poor)-Catch Relative activity of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor); Vessel Captured (Vessel name that captured the mahi-mahi, the R/V Walton Smith is the research vessel where fish were tagged, recovered, and released, and the F/V Yellowfin was a small fishing vessel that caught additional mahi-mahi and transferred those fish to the R/V Walton Smith; Catch Latitude (DD) - Catch latitude in decimal degrees; Catch Longitude (DD) - Catch longitude in decimal degrees; Catch Comments - Comments on state of fish at time of catch; Date Released (Date that fish was released); Time (EST) released - Time that fish was released; Release Eye condition (1-3, excellent-poor) - Release Condition of eyes of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor); Release Color (1-3, excellent-poor) - Release Color of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor), Release Activity (1-3, excellent-poor) - Release Relative activity of mahi-mahi on a 1-3 scale (1-3, excellent-poor); Release Latitude (DD) - Release latitude in decimal degrees; Release Longitude (DD)-Release longitude in decimal degrees; Release Comments - Notes on the release of tagged mahi-mahi; and any additional comments.
Mahi-mahi were captured using hook and line angling from the F/V Yellowfin, or the R/V Walton Smith, were measured for fork-length, sampled for a fin clip, tagged with a pop-up satellite archival tag, were placed in a 5,000 L oil or control tanks for 10-20 hours, and were released. Fish that were in poor condition or died prior to release were not released.