Output from Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to evaluate the performance of offline passive tracer advection, 2010-04-20 to 2010-05-05
Number of Cold Storage Files:
Cold Storage File Size:
12.35 TB
File Format:
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Research Group:
Consortium for Simulation of Oil-Microbial Interactions in the Ocean (CSOMIO)
Kristen Thyng
Axiom Data Science
numerical model, offline, tracer, Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), offline tracer advection
Output from running numerical simulations of online and offline passive tracer advection in Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The simulations are presented and analyzed in the associated paper by Thyng et al., 2021. The dataset contains instantaneous and averaged fields showing the evolution of an initial dye patch placed southwest of the Mississippi River delta. Two different tracer advection algorithms, with and without vertical salinity diffusion, varying time steps and output intervals were used to evaluate the performance of the offline tracer transport module. The output contains three-dimensional and vertically-averaged velocities, free surface elevation, and tracer concentration in addition to grid specifications, coefficients, model toggle flags, the s-coordinate transformation parameters, and land/sea mask. The related dataset with the input files for running offline passive tracer advection simulation in ROMS is available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x803.000:0019 (doi: 10.7266/YF0QPBFC). This dataset supports the publication: Thyng, K. M., Kobashi, D., Ruiz-Xomchuk, V., Qu, L., Chen, X., & Hetland, R. D. (2021). Performance of offline passive tracer advection in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS; v3.6, revision 904). Geoscientific Model Development, 14(1), 391–407. doi:10.5194/gmd-14-391-2021.
Suggested Citation:
Thyng, Kristen M., Daijiro Kobashi, Veronica Ruiz-Xomchuk, and Lixin Qu. 2021. Output from Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to evaluate the performance of offline passive tracer advection, 2010-04-20 to 2010-05-05. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/7R0N3FX4
This model output was generated as part of an analysis of the performance of an offline version of tracer integration in the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS) for the associated publication Thyng et al., 2021.
Data Parameters and Units:
H (bathymetry at RHO-points, [m]), f (Coriolis parameter at RHO-points, [s^-1]), pm (curvilinear coordinate metric in XI, [m^-1]), pn (curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA, [m^-1]), lon_rho (longitude of RHO-points, [degrees E]), lat_rho (latitude of RHO-points, [degrees N]), lon_u (longitude of U-points, [degrees E]), lat_u (latitude of U-points [degrees N]), lon_v (longitude of V-points [degrees E]), lat_v (latitude of V-points [degrees N]), lon_psi (longitude of PSI-points [degrees E]), lat_psi (latitude of PSI-points [degrees N]), angle (angle between XI-axis and EAST, [radians]), mask_rho (land/water mask on RHO-points), mask_u (land/water mask on u-points), mask_v (land/water mask on v-points), mask_psi (land/water mask on psi-points), ocean_time (seconds since 2010-04-20 00:00:00, [s]), zeta (time-averaged free-surface, [m]), ubar (time-averaged vertically integrated u-momentum component, [m/s]), vbar(time-averaged vertically integrated v-momentum component, [m/s]), u (time-averaged u-momentum component,[m/s]), v (time-averaged v-momentum component,[m/s]), dye_01 (time-averaged dye concentration,[kg/m^3]), AKs (time-averaged salinity vertical diffusion coefficient, [m^2/s]). Also, grid parameters - xl (domain length in the XI-direction, [m]), el (domain length in the ETA-direction, [m]), Vtransform, vertical terrain-following transformation equation), Vstretching (vertical terrain-following stretching function), theta_s (S-coordinate surface control parameter), theta_b (S-coordinate bottom control parameter), Tcline (S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width, [m]), hc (S-coordinate parameter, critical depth, [m]), s_rho (S-coordinate at RHO-points), s_w (S-coordinate at W-points), Cs_r (S-coordinate stretching curves at RHO-points), Cs_w (S-coordinate stretching curves at W-points); Time step information - ntimes (number of long time-steps), ndtfast (number of short time-steps), dt (size of long time-steps, [s]), dtfast (size of short time-steps, [s]), dstart (timestamp assigned to model initialization, days since 2010-04-20 00:00:00), nHIS (number of time-steps between history records), ndefHIS (number of time-steps between the creation of history files), nRST {number of time-steps between restart records), ntsAVG (starting time-step for accumulation of time-averaged fields), nAVG (number of time-steps between time-averaged records), ndefAVG (number of time-steps between the creation of average files); Boolean model switches - LuvSponge, LuvSrc, LwSrc, LtracerSrc(tracer), LsshCLM, Lm2CLM, Lm3CLM, LtracerCLM, LnudgeM2CLM, LnudgeM3CLM, LnudgeTCLM, spherical; Coefficients - Akt_bak (background vertical mixing coefficient for tracers, [m^2/s]), Akv_bak (background vertical mixing coefficient for momentum, [m^2/s]), Akk_bak (background vertical mixing coefficient for turbulent energy, [m^2/s]), Akp_bak (background vertical mixing coefficient for length scale, [m^2/s]), rdrg (linear drag coefficient, [m/s]), rdrg2 (quadratic drag coefficient), gls_p (stability exponent), gls_m (turbulent kinetic energy exponent), gls_n (turbulent length scale exponent), gls_cmu0 (stability coefficient), gls_c1 (shear production coefficient), gls_c2 (dissipation coefficient), gls_c3m (buoyancy production coefficient (minus)),gls_c3p (buoyancy production coefficient (plus)), gls_sigk (constant Schmidt number for TKE), gls_sigp (constant Schmidt number for PSI), gls_Kmin (minimum value of specific turbulent kinetic energy), gls_Pmin (minimum Value of dissipation), Charnok_alpha (Charnok factor for surface roughness), Zob (bottom roughness, [m]), Zos (surface roughness, [m]), Zos_hsig_alpha (wave amplitude factor for surface roughness), sz_alpha (surface flux from wave dissipation), CrgBan_cw (surface flux due to Craig and Banner wave breaking), Znudg (free-surface nudging/relaxation inverse time scale), [day^-1]), M2nudg (2D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, units = [day^-1]), M3nudg (3D momentum nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^-1]), Tnudg(tracers nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^-1], Tnudg_SSS (SSS nudging/relaxation inverse time scale, [day^-1]), rho0 (mean density used in Boussinesq approximation, [kg/m^3]), gamma2 (slipperiness parameter), Falpha (Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter), Fbeta (Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter), Fgamma (Power-law shape barotropic filter parameter), nl_visc2 9nonlinear model Laplacian mixing coefficient for momentum, [m^2/s]).
Run with Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS), author branch, for offline tracer advection. Source code is available at Zenodo (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3991810), along with analysis and plotting scripts (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4278115), and online and offline simulation run files (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3991823 and doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3991826, respectively). For more details about the experimental design and forcing, please refer to the linked publication Thyng et al., 2021.