Initialization, grid, and forcing files for running numerical simulations of offline passive tracer within the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). The simulations are presented and analyzed in the associated paper by Thyng et al., 2021. The latest version of the model code is available at Github, while the exact model version used in the published work is available at Zenodo (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4455760 for the offline simulation and 10.5281/zenodo.4455715 for the online simulation). The output files used in the analysis are available in the related dataset under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI) R6.x803.000:0020 (doi: 10.7266/7R0N3FX4). This dataset supports the publication: Thyng, K. M., Kobashi, D., Ruiz-Xomchuk, V., Qu, L., Chen, X., & Hetland, R. D. (2021). Performance of offline passive tracer advection in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS; v3.6, revision 904). Geoscientific Model Development, 14(1), 391–407. doi:10.5194/gmd-14-391-2021
Data Parameters and Units:
Rivers: ID number [enum], x-position [non-dimensional], height [non-dimensional[, runoff direction [non-dimensional, vertical profile of mass transport, time [days since 2010-04-20 00:00:00], vertically integrated mass transport [m^3/s], runoff potential temperature [degrees C], runoff salinity [PSU].
Boundaries: time [days] on zeta, v2d, v3d, salt, temp, free surface (south, east, west, norther, [m]), 2D u-momentum (north, south, east, west, [m/s]), 2D v-momentum (north, south, west, east, [m/s]), 3D u-momentum (north, south, west, east, [m/s]), 3D v-momentum (north, south, east, west, [m/s]), 3D temperature (north, south, east, west, [degrees C]), 3D salinity (north, south, east, west, [PSU]).
Climatology: time [days] on wind field, free surface, 2D velocity, 3D velocity, salinity, temperature; free surface [m], salinity [PSU], temperature [C], x-velocity [m/s], y-velocity [m/s], vertically-averaged x-velocity [m/s], vertically-averaged y-velocity [m/s].
Forcing: time, atmospheric forcing [s], longitude [degrees E], latitude [degrees N], surface x-wind [m/s], surface v-wind [m/s], surface air pressure [mbar], surface air temperature [degrees C], surface air specific humidity [kg/kg], rain rate [kg/m^2/s], net solar shortwave radiation (positive downward, [W/m^2]), bottom net heat flux [W/m^2], surface net freshwater flux (E-P, [cm/day]), net solar longwave radiation (positive downward, [W/m^2]).
Grid: domain length in XI direction [m], domain length in eta direction [m], map projection, spherical/Cartesian grid switch, minimum bathymetry clipping depth [m], maximum bathymetry clipping depth [m], working bathymetry at rho-points [m], final bathymetry at rho-points [m], Coriolis parameter at rho-points, curvilinear coordinate metric in xi and eta [/m], derivative of inverse metric factor pm (eta) and pn (xi), [m]; rho-points x and y location [m], latitude [degrees N], longitude [degrees E], land/water mask; psi-points x and y locations [m], latitude [degrees N] and longitude [degrees E], land/water mask; u-points x and y locations [m], latitude [degrees N], longitude [degrees E], land/water mask; v-points x and y locations [m], latitude [degrees N], longitude [degrees E], land/water mask; angle between xi axis and east [degrees].
Nudging coefficients: M2, M3, temperature, salt.
Initialization: Grid switches: spherical/Cartesian switch [1,0]; vertical coordinates: jVtransform, Vstretching, theta_b, theta_s, Tcline, h, Cs_r, Cs_w, sc_r, sc_w; time since initialization [days], salinity [PSU], temperature [degrees C], x-velocity [m/s], vertically-integrated x-velocity [m/s], y-velocity [m/s], vertically-integrated y-velocity [m/s[, free surface [m].