In this experiment, mineral flocs and Oil-Mineral Aggregates (OMAs) were synthesized using artificial seawater, crude oil, either Kaolinite or Bentonite clay or mixed Kaolinite and Bentonite clays in a stirring jar. Using a low intrusive LabSFLOC-2 system visible floc individual images were produced, and analysis of these images provide floc properties such as floc size, shape and settling velocity. Using specific theories, other qualities such as floc density and fractal dimensions were obtained. This dataset supports the publication: Ye, L., Manning, A. J., & Hsu, T.-J. (2020). Oil-mineral flocculation and settling velocity in saline water. Water Research, 173, 115569. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.115569
Suggested Citation:
Leiping Ye. 2020. Dataset for: Oil-mineral flocculation and settling velocity in saline water. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/CERW583P
Data Parameters and Units:
Dataset consists of multiple Excel and tiff image files organized under sub-folders. All the files and folders name referred to the figures and tables are in the associated publication Ye et al., 2020.
The folder "Figure 2" contains examples of digital microscope images, oil droplet size (microns), and percentages (%).
The folder "Figure 4" contains floc images obtained from the high-resolution digital microscope camera.
The folder "Figure 5 data", "Figure 6 data", and "Figure 7 data" contains floc characteristics from the LabSFLOC-2 analysis, and includes size (microns), Effective Density (kg/m^3), Ws (settling velocity, mm/s), nf (the fractal dimension of floc), H_W_ratio, porosity (%), SPM (suspended particle materials, %), and flocs numbers for Oil-Mineral Aggregates (OMAs).
The file "Figure 3 data.xlsx" includes time (minutes), kaolinite, bentonite, mixed kaolinite and bentonite. The numbers under the columns labeled kaolinite, bentonite, mixed kaolinite and bentonite are normalized floc number for Kaolinite run, Bentonite run and mixed Kaolinite-Bentonite run respectively.
The file "Table 1.xlsx" contains a summary on proportions of mineral clay and oil in each experimental run, and includes sample, Kaolinite clay (g), Bentonite Clay (g), raw Texas crude oil (g), and artificial seawater (ml).
The file "Table 2.xlsx" contains a summary of microfloc and macrofloc mean quantities of each sample - Kaolinite, Bentonite, Kaolinite-Bentonite, Oil-Kaolinite, Oil-Bentonite, and Oil-Kaolinite-Bentonite.