Data Parameters and Units:
MicroRider: Ax (Accelerometer x-axis [1/s]), Ay (Accelerometer y-axis [1/s]), C1 (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 without pre-emphasis [mS/cm]), C1_dC (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 with pre-emphasis [mS/cm]), C1_hres (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 high resolution [mS/cm]), Day (Day of the month), Gnd (ADC ground signal), Hour (Hour of the day), Incl_T (Temperature from an ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees C]), Incl_X (X-axis from ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees]), Incl_Y (Y-axis from ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees]), Minute, Month, P (Pressure transducer without pre-emphasis [dB]), PV (Voltage across the pressure transducer), P_dP (Pressure transducer with pre-emphasis [dB]), P_fast (Fast response pressure [dB]), P_hres (High resolution pressure [dB]), SBC1 (Sea-Bird SBE4C conductivity sensor, not used, only noise), SBT1 (Sea-Bird SBE3F thermometer, not used, only noise), T1 (Thermistor probe #1 without pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T1_dT1 (Thermistor probe #1 with pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T1_hres (High resolution temperature #1 [degrees C]), T2 (Thermistor probe #2 without pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T2_dT2 (Thermistor probe #2 with pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T2_hres (High resolution temperature #2 [degrees C]), V_Bat (Voltage of the battery or power source), W_fast (Vertical velocity of the instrument at fast sample rate [m/s]), W_slow (Vertical velocity of the instrument at slow sample rate [m/s]), Year, bad_records, ch255 (Not used), date [DD/MM/YYYY], fix_manually (Data records fixed manually), fs_fast (Fast frequency [1/s]), fs_slow (Slow frequency [1/s]), gradC1 (Conductivity gradient [mS/cm/m]), gradT1 (Temperature #1 gradient [degrees C/m]), gradT2 (Temperature #2 gradient [degrees C/m]), header (Header information), header_version, profile_speed (Profile speed with threshold 0.1 m/s), sections (Sections in the setup file), setupfilestr (Instrument set up information), sh1 (Shear probe #1 [1/m]), sh2 (Shear probe #2 [1/m]),
speed_source (Method of vertical speed calculation), t_fast (time for fast response data [seconds]), t_fast_YD (time for fast response data in year date [decimal yearday[), t_slow (time for slow response data [seconds]), t_slow_YD (time for slow response data in year date [decimal yearday]), time [HH:MM:SS.000].
ascii_DBD files: Contains all 2077 variables for flight data.
ascii_EBD files: sci_badd_error, sci_badd_finished, sci_badd_n_tries_to_connect, sci_badd_power_on, sci_badd_target_range [m], sci_ctd41cp_is_installed, sci_ctd41cp_timestamp [Unix/epoch], sci_flbbcd_bb_ref, sci_flbbcd_bb_sig, sci_flbbcd_bb_units, sci_flb, bcd_cdom_ref, sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig, sci_flbbcd_cdom_units [ppb], sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref, sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig, sci_flbbcd_chlor_units [ug/L], sci_flbbcd_is_installed, sci_flbbcd_therm, sci_flbbcd_timestamp [Unix/epoch], sci_logger_is_installed, sci_logger_status, sci_m_disk_free [mbytes], sci_m_disk_usage [mbytes], sci_m_free_heap [bytes], sci_m_min_free_heap [bytes], sci_m_min_spare_heap [bytes], sci_m_present_secs_into_mission [seconds], sci_m_present_time [Unix/epoch], sci_m_science_on, sci_m_spare_heap [bytes], sci_oxy4_c1amp [mv], sci_oxy4_c1rph [degrees C], sci_oxy4_c2amp [mv], sci_oxy4_c2rph [degrees C], sci_oxy4_calph [degrees C], sci_oxy4_is_installed, sci_oxy4_oxygen [uM], sci_oxy4_rawtemp [mv], sci_oxy4_saturation [%], sci_oxy4_tcphase [degrees C], sci_oxy4_temp [degrees C], sci_oxy4_timestamp [Unix/epoch], sci_reqd_heartbeat [seconds], sci_software_ver, sci_viper_collect_time [seconds], sci_viper_collecting, sci_viper_error, sci_viper_finished, sci_viper_target, sci_wants_comms, sci_wants_surface, sci_water_cond [S/m], sci_water_pressure [bar], sci_water_temp [deg C], sci_x_disk_files_removed, sci_x_sent_data_files.