Slocum glider and turbulence data collected by TAMU glider unit 308 aboard R/V Point Sur during the GoMix I cruise (PS17-06) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-09-02 to 2016-09-09
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mat, P, dbd, ebd, asc, xlsx, txt
Funded By:
Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Funding Cycle:
Zhankun Wang
Texas A&M University / Geochemical and Environmental Research Group
physical oceanography, turbulence, water properties, Slocum glider, MicroRider, chlorophyll, temperature, pressure, CDOM, dissipation, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, GoMix
This dataset contains CTD and turbulence data from the TAMU Slocum glider Unit 308 during the September 2016 GoMix I cruise (R/V Point Sur, PS17-06) from 2016-09-02 to 2016-09-09. The experimental site is in on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, next to the Deepwater Horizon spill site. GoMix is a three year project with the goal of understanding the mechanisms, spatial inhomogeneity, and temporal intermittency of boundary mixing along the Northern Deepwater Gulf. The glider used was a Deep G2 Slocum glider equipped with a Rockland Scientific MicroRider turbulence sensing package. The glider was deployed on the shelf and instructed to fly cross-slope transects between approximately 200 to 1000 water depth. It was operated in yo-yo mode and collected data from 20 m (the base of the surface mixed layer) to ~15 m above the bottom. Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, CDOM, chlorophyll, and turbidity were collected by the CTD aboard the glider. Due to technical issues, the turbulence package only collected data during the first 17 hours of the mission. The dataset contains binary and exported ASCII data flight (DBD) and science (EBD) data, as well as output from the MicroRider in binary and Matlab format. Dissipation was calculated for the upward profiles for missions M23_004, M23_005, and M23_006. Those data are contained in a structure named diss*, where * indicates the upward profile number.
Suggested Citation:
S. DiMarco, Z. Wang and K. Polzin. 2020. Slocum glider and turbulence data collected by TAMU glider unit 308 aboard R/V Point Sur during the GoMix I cruise (PS17-06) in the northern Gulf of Mexico from 2016-09-02 to 2016-09-09. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-js35-h386
Data was collected in support of studies of the GoMix project with the goal of understanding the mechanisms, spatial inhomogeneity, and temporal intermittency of boundary mixing within the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Data Parameters and Units:
MicroRider: Ax (Accelerometer x-axis [1/s]), Ay (Accelerometer y-axis [1/s]), C1 (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 without pre-emphasis [mS/cm]), C1_dC (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 with pre-emphasis [mS/cm]), C1_hres (Micro-conductivity sensor #1 high resolution [mS/cm]), Day (Day of the month), Gnd (ADC ground signal), Hour (Hour of the day), Incl_T (Temperature from an ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees C]), Incl_X (X-axis from ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees]), Incl_Y (Y-axis from ADIS dual-axis digital inclinometer [degrees]), Minute, Month, P (Pressure transducer without pre-emphasis [dB]), PV (Voltage across the pressure transducer), P_dP (Pressure transducer with pre-emphasis [dB]), P_fast (Fast response pressure [dB]), P_hres (High resolution pressure [dB]), SBC1 (Sea-Bird SBE4C conductivity sensor, not used, only noise), SBT1 (Sea-Bird SBE3F thermometer, not used, only noise), T1 (Thermistor probe #1 without pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T1_dT1 (Thermistor probe #1 with pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T1_hres (High resolution temperature #1 [degrees C]), T2 (Thermistor probe #2 without pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T2_dT2 (Thermistor probe #2 with pre-emphasis [degrees C]), T2_hres (High resolution temperature #2 [degrees C]), V_Bat (Voltage of the battery or power source), W_fast (Vertical velocity of the instrument at fast sample rate [m/s]), W_slow (Vertical velocity of the instrument at slow sample rate [m/s]), Year, bad_records, ch255 (Not used), date [DD/MM/YYYY], fix_manually (Data records fixed manually), fs_fast (Fast frequency [1/s]), fs_slow (Slow frequency [1/s]), gradC1 (Conductivity gradient [mS/cm/m]), gradT1 (Temperature #1 gradient [degrees C/m]), gradT2 (Temperature #2 gradient [degrees C/m]), header (Header information), header_version, profile_speed (Profile speed with threshold 0.1 m/s), sections (Sections in the setup file), setupfilestr (Instrument set up information), sh1 (Shear probe #1 [1/m]), sh2 (Shear probe #2 [1/m]), speed_source (Method of vertical speed calculation), t_fast (time for fast response data [seconds]), t_fast_YD (time for fast response data in year date [decimal yearday[), t_slow (time for slow response data [seconds]), t_slow_YD (time for slow response data in year date [decimal yearday]), time [HH:MM:SS.000] ascii_DBD files: Contains all 2077 variables for flight data. ascii_EBD files: sci_badd_error, sci_badd_finished, sci_badd_n_tries_to_connect, sci_badd_power_on, sci_badd_target_range [m], sci_ctd41cp_is_installed, sci_ctd41cp_timestamp [Unix/epoch], sci_flbbcd_bb_ref, sci_flbbcd_bb_sig, sci_flbbcd_bb_units, sci_flb, bcd_cdom_ref, sci_flbbcd_cdom_sig, sci_flbbcd_cdom_units [ppb], sci_flbbcd_chlor_ref, sci_flbbcd_chlor_sig, sci_flbbcd_chlor_units [ug/L], sci_flbbcd_is_installed, sci_flbbcd_therm, sci_flbbcd_timestamp [Unix/epoch], sci_logger_is_installed, sci_logger_status, sci_m_disk_free [mbytes], sci_m_disk_usage [mbytes], sci_m_free_heap [bytes], sci_m_min_free_heap [bytes], sci_m_min_spare_heap [bytes], sci_m_present_secs_into_mission [seconds], sci_m_present_time [Unix/epoch], sci_m_science_on, sci_m_spare_heap [bytes], sci_reqd_heartbeat [seconds], sci_software_ver, sci_viper_collect_time [seconds], sci_viper_collecting, sci_viper_error, sci_viper_finished, sci_viper_target, sci_wants_comms, sci_wants_surface, sci_water_cond [S/m], sci_water_pressure [bar], sci_water_temp [deg C], sci_x_disk_files_removed, sci_x_sent_data_files
glider yo-yo measurement
Rockland Scientific MicroRider, Deep G2 Slocum glider, CTD