Crude oil buried in intertidal sands may be exposed to alternating oxic and anoxic conditions, but the effect of this tidally induced biogeochemical oscillation remains poorly understood, limiting the effectiveness of remediation and managing efforts after oil spills. Here, we used a combination of metatranscriptomics and genome-resolved metagenomics to study microbial activities in oil-contaminated sediments during oxic–anoxic cycles in laboratory chambers that closely emulated in situ conditions. Approximately 5-fold higher reductions in the total petroleum hydrocarbons were observed in the oxic as compared to the anoxic phases with a relatively constant ratio between aerobic and anaerobic oil decomposition rates even after prolonged anoxic conditions. Metatranscriptomics analysis indicated that the oxic phases promoted oil biodegradation in subsequent anoxic phases by microbially mediated reoxidation of alternative electron acceptors like sulfide and by providing degradation-limiting nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation. Most population genomes reconstructed from the mesocosm samples represented uncultured taxa and were present typically as members of the rare biosphere in metagenomic data from uncontaminated field samples, implying that the intertidal communities are adapted to changes in redox conditions. Collectively, these results have important implications for enhancing oil spill remediation efforts in beach sands and coastal sediments and underscore the role of uncultured taxa in such efforts. This data supports the publication of Karthikeyan, Smruthi, Minjae Kim, Patrick Heritier-Robbins, Janet K. Hatt, Jim C. Spain, Will A. Overholt, Markus Huettel, Joel E. Kostka, and Konstantinos Konstantinidis. 2020. Integrated Omics Elucidate the Mechanisms Driving the Rapid Biodegradation of Deepwater Horizon Oil in Intertidal Sediments Undergoing Oxic–Anoxic Cycles. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(16), 10088–10099. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c02834
Suggested Citation:
Karthikeyan, Smruthi. 2021. Mesocosm experiment addressing microbial community response in intertidal Gulf sediments. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-fys2-g108
Data Parameters and Units:
The headers are- NCBI BioSample accession, sample_name, sample_title, bioproject_accession, organism, collection_date, depth, elev, env_broad_scale, env_local_scale, env_medium, geo_loc_name, lat_lon (latitude and longitude), Function, BaseMean, log2FoldChange, pvalue, padj, SD, Bin ID, Closest Match in NCBI Prokaryote database, AAI, TPH (mg/kg), SD (standard deviation), PAH (mg/kg), Ammonium (uM), Nitrate (uM), and Sulfate (mM)