Individual meiofauna, environmental samples, and metabarcoding data associated with the publication in Nature's Communications Biology titled "Biodiversity estimates and ecological interpretations of meiofaunal communities are biased by the taxonomic approach" doi:10.1038/s42003-018-0119-2. Included are all supplementary tables, SRA accessions, and computer programs/scripts.
Suggested Citation:
Joseph Sevigny, Francesca Leasi, and Kelley Thomas. 2018. Dataset for: Biodiversity estimates and ecological interpretations of meiofaunal communities are biased by the taxonomic approach. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-szj8-1531
Data Parameters and Units:
TableS1.csv: List of sampled locations and environmental parameters investigated. Station ID, Location, Depth (m), Lat (latitude, decimal degrees), Long (longitude, decimal degrees, MGS, Sorting, Skewness, Kurtosis.
TableS2.csv: List of individuals and taxa collected and analyzed with the respective unique barcode voucher number. Each r18S sequence, entity revealed with GMYC, and OTU is associated to an ID code. Identical ID codes indicate identical r18S sequences, EEs, or OTUs. The same ID codes are shown in the phylogenetic trees. #Barcode, Station ID, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Morphological Unit (MT), Identifier Unique Sequence ID, ENTITY (EE) Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) GenBank Code.
TableS3.csv: Operational taxonomic units of the seven focal phyla. Number of genetic reads is indicated for each sampled station. The phylogenetic trees are constructed considering the Sample-ID code. The last column indicates the percentage of blasting with the reference. The term “TREE” indicates that the taxonomy was obtained by reconstructed the phylogeny.
TableS4.csv: Sequence variants of the seven focal phyla. Number of genetic reads is indicated for each sampled station. The phylogenetic trees are constructed considering the Sample-ID code. The last column indicates the percentage of blasting with the reference. The term “TREE” indicates that the taxonomy was obtained by reconstructed the phylogeny.
SraRunInfo.csv: SRA accessions for each sample sequenced. Sample, SRA, Date, Station ID, Depth (m), Lat (latitude, decimal degrees), Long (longitude, decimal degrees).
V1-V2_and_V9_comparison.tsv: Data table showing percent identity across taxa for two different 18S primers.
Code-Biodiversity-estimates-and-ecological-interpretations-of-meiofauna-communities-v1.0.0 (2) folder: Code used for bioinformatic analyses. Codes are also available via GitHub at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1308829.