This dataset contains CTD and ADCP measurements obtained in the Gulf of Mexico in the GC600 block near the Megaplume natural seep site from 2017-06-18 to 2018-02-02. Two moorings, one instrumented with five CTD instruments at ~4, 14.1, 24.3, 34.5, and 44.7 meters above the bottom, were deployed at 27.3695N, 90.5712W in about 1186 m water depth. Deployment was from the Oceaneering International, Inc. vessel Ocean Intervention II. Time series of pressure, temperature, and salinity were collected between 2017-09-02 and 2018-02-02. Two ADCPs were also deployed and instrumented with one microcat each. The 300kHz ADCP was deployed at 27.3711N, 90.5736W in 1174 m of water and the 600kHz at 27.3700N, 90.5717W in 1182 m of water. Data were collected between 2017-09-02 and 2017-11-20 (300kHz) or 2017-12-06 (600 kHz). Instrument recovery was undertaken by the vessel Connor Bordelon, contracted by Oceaneering International. An additional six CTD profiles were collected in the area: two on 2017-06-29, two on 2018-09-02, one on 2018-09-02, and one on 2018-02-02.
Suggested Citation:
Daniela Di Iorio, Andreas Thurnherr, Mahdi Razaz, James Kelly. 2019. Hydrographic and ADCP data obtained from Oceaneering vessel Ocean Intervention II in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-06-18 to 2018-02-02. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-qyn1-sx24
Data Parameters and Units:
Cruise cast files format: date[YYYYMMDD], time[HHMMSS.SS], sound velocity[m/s], conductivity[mS/m], depth[m], temperature[degC], battery[V], salinity[PSU], density[kg/m^3], calculated sound velocity[m/s].
CTD: Mooring_CTD: File names correspond to the instrument serial number. *.cnv files have the format temperature[deg C], conductivity[S/m], pressure[dbar], time[Julian day], and flag.
There are also *derive.cnv files with the format temperature[deg C], conductivity[S/m], pressure[dbar], time[Julian day], depth[m], salinity[PSU], density[kg/m^3], potential temperature[degC], sigma-theta[kg/m^3], sound velocity[m/s], and flag.
CTD: ADCP_CTD: time[seconds], depth[m], pressure[dBar], temperature[degC], conductivity[S/m], salinity[PSU], density[kg.m^3], potential temperature[degC], sigma t [kg/m^3], sound velocity[m/s], flag[0]
ADCP: ensemble number, year[YY], month[MM], day[DD], hour[HH], minute[MM], second[SS], decimal second[SS], pitch[deg], roll[deg], heading[deg], temperature[degC], zonal velocity component u1 though zonal velocity component u8 [mm/s], meridional velocity component v1 through meridional velocity component v8[mm/s], percent good position1 1 through 8{%], percent good position 2 1 - through 8[%], percent good position 3 1 - through 8[%], percent good position 4 1 - through 8[%].
Note: For details please refer to the Readme file (DiIorio UGA GoMRI Bottom Boundary Study GOM 2017_2018_ReadMe.docx) included in the dataset. This dataset only includes hydrographic ADCP data, and other related datasets are available under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifiers (UDIs): R5.x270.000:0001, R5.x270.000:0002, and R5.x270.000:0003.
The mooring microcats (Seabird Microcat 37SM) were estimated to be separated by about 10.2m. The inner 3 instruments (nominal depths 1171.8, 1161.5, and 1151.3 m) did not have pressure sensors, and pressure records have been input as calculated with a 10.2m separation. More details are available in the ReadMe document in the General_Metadata directory. Measurements were collected at 90-second intervals.
Two ADCP instruments were deployed, a Teledyne RDI Workhorse Sentinel operating at 300kHz and a Teledyne RDI Workhorse Monitor operating at 600kHz. Data were collected in beam coordinate mode at a rate of 1200 pings per hour. Bin sizes were 8 m for the 300 kHz instrument and 2m for the 600 kHz instrument.
A Seabird Microcat 37SM microcat was mounted on each ADCP platform. The instrument on the 300 kHz ADCP was about 70 cm above the bottom (1173.8 m water depth), and the 600 kHz instrument was 5 cm above the bottom (1182.4 m water depth).