This dataset contains shipboard ADCP, TSG, and transmissometer data collected during R/V Pelican cruise PE16-02 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-07-15 to 2015-07-27. The data was retrieved from the UNOLS Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R). The cruise PE16-02 was funded by NOAA OER (NA14OAR0110264) to Tamara Frank, of Nova Southeastern University. A subset of the acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), thermosalinograph (TSG), and transmissometer data used for analysis with ECOGIG-funded glider work are included in this dataset. The ADCP data were processed automatically on the ship using the University of Hawaii Data Acquisition System (UH-DAS) and published under the cruise DOI: 10.7284/902370. The dataset includes the raw and processed ADCP data in addition to the processing scripts; the most useful data may be found in the proc/contour subdirectories for each of the four instruments (WH300, WH1200, OS75nb, OS75bb).
Suggested Citation:
Catherine Edwards. 2020. Shipboard ADCP, TSG, and transmissometer data collected during R/V Pelican cruise PE16-02 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2015-07-15 to 2015-07-27. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/GQYJC04F
Data Parameters and Units:
ADCP netcdf file has the parameters: trajectory id [numeric], vship (ship’s meridional velocity, [m/s]), v (meridional velocity, [m/s]), h=uship (ship’s zonal velocity, [m/s]), u (zonal velocity, [m/s]), tr_temp (ADCP transducer temperature, [degrees C]), time (days since 2015-01-01 00:00:00 [decimal days]), pg (percent good pings), pflag (editing flags), longitude [decimal degrees], latitude [decimal degrees], heading (ship’s heading, [degrees]), depth [m], and amp (received signal strength). Additional auxiliary information is contained in the Matlab files.
Trimble navigation data: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [HH:MM:SS.SSS], $GPGGA [constant string], Time of fix [HHMMSS.SS], Latitude (degrees and minutes, [DDMM.MMMMMMMM]), N, Longitude (degrees and minutes, [DDDMM.MMMMMMMM]), W, Fix quality [0-9], 2= differential GPS), Number of satellites tracked [XX], Horizontal dilution of precision, Altitude above mean sea level (XXX.XXX, [m]), M, Height above geoid (XXX.XXX, [m]), M, Time in seconds since last DGPS update (XX.X, [s]), DGPS station ID [XXXX], checksum (begins with an asterisk).
TSG: Date [MM/DD/YYYY], Time [HH:MM:SS.SSS], Count [numeric], Temperature (housing or remote [degrees C]), Temperature (housing or remote [degrees C]), Conductivity [Siemens/m], Speed of sound [m/s].
ADCPs uses pulses of sound to measure profiles of water velocities as a function of depth. The data are processed automatically on the ship using the University of Hawaii Data Acquisition System (UH-DAS) and published under the cruise DOI with the linked documentation: http://get.rvdata.us/format_docs/100036/UHDASv20111230.pdf
TSG measures sea surface temperature, salinity, and fluorescence near the seawater intake.
Transmissometers measure fraction of light absorbed or scattered by particles in the water near the seawater intake.
Shipboard ADCP (WH300, WH1200, OS75), Multiple Instrument Data Acquisition System (MIDAS), Seabird SBE-21 thermosalinograph, WET Labs C-Star transmissometer, Trimble DSM232.