Data Parameters and Units:
Time, latitude (deployment, decimal degrees), longitude (deployment, decimal degrees), latitude 2 (recovery, decimal degrees), longitude 2 (recovery, decimal degrees), bin (bin number), dz (distance of bin center from transducer in meters), depth (water depth of bin center in meters, equal to dz), N_ensembles (total number of ensembles in PD0 file), first_ens (ensemble number of first valid record of this deployment), last_ens (ensemble number of final valid record of this deployment), pct_good_vels (percentage of all velocity samples in the PD0 file that are valid), pct_3_beam (percentage of all velocity samples in the PD0 file that are derived from 3 beams), mag_decl (correction for magnetic declination in degrees that was applied during processing), soundspeed_correction (salinity [psu], temperature [degrees Celsius] and depth [m] for soundspeed correction). Each time series contains the following data: ensemble ADCP record number, dn17 (2017 decimal day [0.5 indicates noon of Jan 1]), heading degrees), ADCP pitch (degrees from vertical), roll (Adegrees from vertical), temp (uncalibrated ADCP transducer temperature, degrees Celsius), u (eastward velocity component, m/s), v (northward velocity component, m/s), w (upward vertical velocity component, m/s), err_vel TRDI ADCP (error velocity, m/s), corr1 (correlation in beam 1, arbitrary units), corr2 (correlation in beam 2, arbitrary units), corr3 (correlation in beam 3, arbitrary units), corr4 (correlation in beam 4, arbitrary units), amp1 (echo amplitude [acoustic backscatter] in beam 1, arbitrary units), amp2 (echo amplitude in beam 2, arbitrary units), amp3 (echo amplitude in beam 3, arbitrary units), amp4 (echo amplitude in beam 4, arbitrary units). The archived data comprise bins 2-13 (20-110m below the surface); bin 1 is not included because zero blanking was used. Each data file contains a time series d (3s sampling interval) of one of the ADCP bins from a single deployment (002, 006, 008, 013 and 015) of the floating trap. The file names are constructed from the deployment and bin numbers. The file contains the data from bin2 from the 3rd deployment. All data files from a deployment are combined into an archive named after the deployment (e.g. 002.tgz). All deployment archives are combined into a single file called PITTA_EN600_ADCP.tar. id deployment lon/lat recovery lon/lat --------------------------------------------------------------- 002 -96.3283, 26.7473 -96.4343, 26.7151 006 -91.9799, 27.4985 -92.2308, 27.5034 008 -91.4976, 27.7805 -91.4867, 27.9066 013 -90.0369, 27.2871 -89.8466, 27.156 015 -91.8216, 27.3513 -92.0585, 27.5304