Data Parameters and Units:
The following is a list of data parameters and units of measurement (when applicable) for this dataset: Deployment Tab: ID [generated ID using Year Month Day_Method_Site_Structure_Set], YearDeployment [year of sampling], MonthDeployment [month of sampling], DayDeployment [day of sampling], ArrivalTime [Time arrived on site], DepartTime [Time departed site], Method [method of data collection (ROV, Dive, VLL, trap)], Site [Site name], Structure_# [Structure number, CSSC internal numbering system], Structure [TPWD structure name], Set [set number at site], StructureType [type of structure (standing, cutoff, topple)], Latitude [DDD.DDDDD], Longitude [DDD.DDDDD], SiteDepth [Site depth in feet], DeploymentComments [comments]; VLL Catch Tab: ID [Deployment Identification; Date_Method_Site_Structure_Set; This ID should appear in the deployment table ("tblDeployment")], Set [Set number at site - unless otherwise noted, one set is equal to 3 drops (1 drop of each hook size)], Drop [Drop number of set (1-3), one drop of each hook size ], HookSize [8, 11 or 15 ], SoakTime [Time drop was fished], HookNumber [Hook number (1-10), position on backbone (1 nearest top, 10 nearest bottom)], Bait [What is on the hook when pulled up; B-Bait, NB-No Bait, F-Fish, NH-No Hook], FishCallNumber [Fish Call Number Assigned When Caught, this is a consecutive numbering system for all fish caught], SpeciesID [Species ID code from CSSC species ID list], Common Name [common name of fish caught], SL [Standard Length in mm; if fish discarded/released this info recorded here. If kept, see processing data], FL [Fork Length in mm; if fish discarded/released this info recorded here. If kept, see processing data], TL [total lentch in mm; if fish discarded/released this info recorded here. If kept, see processing data], WT [ weight in kg recorded in field; if fish discarded/released this info recorded here. If kept, see processing data], DiscardKeep [Whether fish was discarded (released) or kept; D-discarded, K-Kept], PassiveTag [Was it tagged with a passive dart tag? Yes or No], PassiveTagNumber [Passive Tag Number], Condition [Condition fish was released in; Depredation, Floater, Poor, Fair, Good], Vent [Was the fish vented? Yes or No], VLLComments [Comments or Concerns]; VLL Processing Tab: FishCallNumber [Fish call number assigned when caught], SpeciesID [Species ID code from CSSC species ID list], CommonName [Species common name], ScientificName [Species scientific name], Family [Species family name], LabWT [lab weight in kg], EvisceratedWT [fish weight in kg after eviscerated, gills are retained], SL [Standard Length in mm], FL [Fork Length in mm], TL [total lentch in mm], Sex [Sex; M-Male, F-Female, U-Unknown], GonadWT [in grams], GonadsKept [gonads kept; yes or no], Otolith [Otolith kept; yes or no], FinClip [fin clip kept; yes or no], MusclePlug [Muscle plug kept; yes or no, also noted in comments MP on boat or lab], StomachKept [Stomack kept; yes or no; DS = distended which means stomach empty and not kept], StomachVOL [stomach volume in ml, no longer measuring this parameter once whole stomachs kept in 2013], ProcessComments [comments], ID [Deployment Identification; Date_Method_Site_Structure_Set; This ID should appear in the deployment table ("tblDeployment")];