This dataset includes CTD and environmental data for nine stations collected onboard R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-0717 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-07-19 to 2017-07-30. The dataset includes 16 profiles/casts of temperature, salinity, conductivity, chlorophyll-a and colored dissolved organic matter fluorescence, turbidity, oxygen saturation, sound velocity, altimetry and Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR). R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-0717 was led by chief scientist Dr. Steve Murawski. The cruise objectives were to evaluate the extent of fish disease and to characterize the distribution and fate of oiled sediment at sites on the continental shelf and slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico.
Suggested Citation:
Schwing, Patrick. 2019. CTD data collected onboard R/V Weatherbird II cruise WB-0717 in the Gulf of Mexico from 2017-07-19 to 2017-07-30. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-q3pt-vd56
Data Parameters and Units:
Time and date (Mon dd yyyy HH:MM:SS, UTC), latitude and longitude (degrees minutes and decimal degrees), water column depth (m, ft), water column temperature (degrees C), water column practical salinity (PSU), water column conductivity (S/m), Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) fluorescence (WET Labs CDOM; mg/m^3), chlorophyll-a fluorescence (WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL; mg/m^3), turbidity (WET Labs ECO, NTU), oxygen saturation (Garcia & Gordon; micromol/Kg), Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR)/Irradiance (Biospherical/Licor, micromol photons m-2 s-1, sound velocity (Chen-Millero, m/s), altimeter (m). The dataset contains cruise documentation.
Station Coordinates (latitude, longitude; decimal degrees):
SL1-750: 24.680167, -84.099000
SL1-750 cast 2: 24.679000, -84.097333
WFS1-500: 26.521000, -84.870167
WFS1-500 cast 2: 26.520833, -84.870000
PCB06: 29.122833, -87.265333
PCB06 cast 2: 29.121333, -87.268000
DSH07: 29.255333, -87.731333
DSH08: 29.122500, -87.862500
DSH08 cast 2: 29.122833, -87.869000
DSH10: 28.977500, -87.892500
DSH10 cast 2: 28.978333, -87.896333
DWH01: 28.724580, -88.387460
DWH01 Second Cast: 28.725560, -88.386940
SL1040: 29.196640, -88.868500
SW01: 28.258920, -89.123280
SW01 Second Cast: 28.237580, -89.124260