Suggested Citation:
Pesch, Simeon; Schlüter, Michael. 2018. Particle size distributions under high pressure: Methane bubble size distributions. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7BG2MB1
Data Parameters and Units:
General_information tab: contains a description of the experimental set-up: height [mm], inner diameter [mm], nozzle diameter [mm], pressure [MPa], scaling factor [µm Pixel-1], diameter range [µm]; and settings for the 15 different experiment settings (temperature [degrees C], volume flow rate [L/min], number of Classes, total particle number). The number of classes (= size bins) is somewhat arbitrary. The goal in choosing the number of classes is to find a number of bins / bin size that represents the distribution well. A trade-off between resolution of the distribution and a representative amount of particles in each class has to be found. For each experiment two slightly different numbers of classes have been chosen and displayed for comparison. Info_Values tab: Temperature [degrees C], pressure [MPa], volume flow rate [L/min], amount of Classes, particle diameter all in [um] for all 15 experiments: geometric mean (dg), arithmetic mean (d1,0), number-surface mean (d2,0), number-volume mean (d3,0), length-surface mean (d2,1), length-volume mean (d3,1), Sauter mean (d3,2), De Brouckere mean (d4,3), mean d5,4, minimum diameter (dmin), maximum diameter (dmx), <10% of Number (dn10), median of number (dn50), <90% of number (dn90), <95% of number (dn95), <10% of volume (dv10), median of volume (dv50), <90% of volume (dv90), <95% of volume (dv95) Tabs pdfq0 and pdfq3, and cdfQ0 and cdfQ3 represent different particle size distributions. Pdfq0 (probability density function [q], number distribution [0]) tab: bin dp [um]: particle diameter, pdf q0: probability density function [um^1], mean dp [um]: mean particle diameter, pdf q0: mean probability density function [um^1]. cdfQ0 (cumulative distribution function [Q], number distribution [0]) tab: Bin dp [um]: particle diameter, Cdf: cumulative distribution function of number (unitless). Pdfq3(probability density function [q], volume / mass distribution [3]) tab: bin dp [um]: particle diameter, pdf q3: probability density function [um^1], mean dp [um]: mean particle diameter, pdf q3: mean probability density function [um^1] cdfQ3(cumulative distribution function [Q], volume / mass distribution [3]) tab: Bin dp [um]: particle diameter, Cdf: cumulative distribution function of number (unitless). Q0_all_data tab: summary of all the Pdfq0 (probability density function [q], number distribution [0]). The key / "header" gives the association of the curves and the respective experiments. Temperature and flow rate (see "general_information").