This dataset contains collection data from reef fish from natural reefs, artificial reefs, and standing platforms collected off the Texas coast from 2018-02-18 to 2018-09-18. Red snapper were caught using hook and line. Individual fish weights, lengths, and samples collected (gonads, otoliths, fin clip, muscle plug, stomach, etc.) are included.
Suggested Citation:
Topping, Tara. 2019. Western Gulf of Mexico red snapper sample collection data, 2018-02-18 to 2018-09-18. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/n7-bszh-4k36
Data Parameters and Units:
Deployment worksheet: ID (generated ID using Year Month Day_Method_Site_Structure_Set), YearDeployment (year of sampling; YYYY), MonthDeployment (month of sampling), DayDeployment (day of sampling), Method (method of data collection; HL-Hook and line, MF-Miscellaneous Fishing), Site (Site name), Structure_# (Structure number, CSSC internal numbering system), StructureType (type of structure; standing, cutoff, topple), Latitude (Decimal degrees), Longitude (Decimal degrees), SiteDepth (Site depth in feet).
Catch worksheet: ID (Deployment Identification; Date_Method_Site_Structure_Set), FishCallNumber (Fish Call Number Assigned When Caught, this is a consecutive numbering system for all fish caught), SpeciesID (Species ID code from CSSC species ID list), Common Name (common name of fish caught).
Processing Log worksheet: FishCallNumber (Fish call number assigned when caught), SpeciesID (Species ID code from CSSC species ID list), LabWT (lab weight in kg), EvisceratedWT (fish weight in kg after eviscerated, gills are retained), SL (Standard Length in mm), FL (Fork Length in mm), TL (Total Length in mm), Sex (Sex; M-Male, F-Female, U-Unknown), GonadWT (in grams), LiverWT (in grams), GI Weight (in grams), GonadsKept (gonads kept in house; yes or no), Otolith (Otolith kept; yes or no), FinClip (fin clip kept; yes or no), MusclePlug (Muscle plug kept; yes or no, also noted in comments MP on boat or lab), StomachKept (stomach kept in house; yes or no), Lesions (present; yes or no), Bile (bile kept; yes or no), Liver (liver kept; yes or no), MusclePlug (Second muscle plug sample kept; yes or no, also noted in comments MP on boat or lab).