Suggested Citation:
DL Wetzel, TA Sherwood, RL Medvecky. 2019. Red drum CEWAF uptake/depuration study: Oxidative Stress Assays & DNA Damage Assays. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7J67FDV
Controlled oil exposure study to evaluate the effects of south Louisiana crude oil, via CEWAF, on oxidative stress and DNA damage.
Data Parameters and Units:
Tank Descriptions worksheet: Tank ID, Start and End Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Treatment, Number of Fish.
CEWAF Prep worksheet: Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Carboy, Oil (g), Corexit (g), Volume Water (L).
Test 113 Sample Key worksheet: Day, Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Sample Location (MAP - Mote Aquaculture Program), Tank ID, Matrix, MML #, Fish ID, Tag #. Fish samples on days 1-10 were composite samples of two fish from the same tank. Therefore, the Tank ID and Day were used to identify these composite samples.
Oxidative Stress worksheet: Fish ID, Day, Tank, Treatment, T.A.P. (Total Antioxidant Power) Rep 1, Rep 2, Trolox Conc. (uM).
DNA Damage worksheet: Fish ID or MML, Day, Tank, Treatment, BPDE DNA Adducts (ng/mL), AP Sites Rep 1 (AP Sites per 100,000 bp) Avg (AP Sites per 100,000 bp), 8-OHdG Rep 1 (ng/ml), Rep 2 (ng/ml), Avg (ng/ml), Pooled Sample name, n.
Sample Collection: plasma
Collected 4 mL whole blood into a sodium citrate blood collection tube and gently inverted tube 5 times. Tube was centrifuged at 2000 x g for 10 minutes between 30- 60 minutes from collection time. Supernatant was removed and placed in a clean cryovial then stored in -80 deg C freezer. When samples were removed and thawed for the first time they were aliquotted out to prevent numerous freeze/thaw cycles.
Sample Processing: Samples are run according to manufacturer's protocol; Oxford Biomedical Research Total Antioxidant Power Assay (TA02), OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage Quantitation Kit-AP Sites (STA-324) by Cell Biolabs, and OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage ELISA- 8- OHdG Quantitation (STA-320) by Cell Biolabs.