Suggested Citation:
DL Wetzel, TA Sherwood, RL Medvecky. 2019. Red drum diet exposure to Deepwater Horizon crude oil contaminated feed: Fish Growth. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N7FN14P0
Data Parameters and Units:
Test 103 Sample Key worksheet: Date Collected (MM/DD/YYYY), Location Collected: MAP (Mote Aquaculture Park), Field ID, Matrix, MML, Species, Project, Tank ID.
Food Preparations worksheet: Prep start and end date, Est. total mass needed for daily feeding and samples (g), Feed Prep. Method, Feed mass (g), Mass of oil added (g), Mixing speed, Mixing time, Oil Source.
RNA_DNA ratio worksheet: Treatment, Fish Tag, Tank ID, Matrix, MML ID, Tissue Weight (mg), Qubit BR RNA (ng/ul), Vol (ul), Total RNA (ug), Qubit BR dsDNA (ng/ul), Vol (ul), Total DNA (ug), ug DNA/ mg tissue (mg/g), RNA:DNA, Standard length (mm), RNA Contents (ug RNA/Std Length), Avg RNA:DNA.
Tank Biomass worksheet: Treatment, Tank, Initial Tank Biomass (g), Final Tank Biomass (g), Percent Change Biomass (%), daily feed weight (g), avg daily consumption (g), Total Consumed Feed (g), Consumed Feed (g)/Biomass (kg), RNA:DNA/Feed:biomass, Avg oil dosing (g), Avg oil dosing per fish (g), Fish Tag, Initial weight (g), Final weight (g), Change in Fish Weight (g).
Sample Collection: 2-3mm3 samples of muscle collected in 1ml RNAlater and stored at -20°C.
Sample processing: RNA and DNA extraction performed according to manufacturer protocols. Qiagen AllPrep DNA/RNA Mini Kit (Cat #80204), Qiagen QIAshredder (Cat. # 79654), and Qiagen RNase-Free DNase Set (Cat. #79254). RNA and DNA then quantified with Qubit RNA BR Buffer (Ref #Q10211) and Qubit dsDNA BR Buffer (Ref # Q32853), respectively.