These data represent several benthic cores collected during ECOGIG cruises during 2012 and 2013. Sediment cores were collected near several natural hydrocarbon seeps with both an ROV push corer and multicoring device. The purpose of these samples is to examine benthic communities associated with natural hydrocarbon seepage in the deep sea as well as compare these communities to areas associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil blowout. Samples were collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico, mostly south of Louisiana, and at depths ranging from 150 to 2600 meters. Sample processing and species identification occurred from 2014 – 2016. Macrofauna (>300 um) were identified to the lowest taxonomic unit.
Suggested Citation:
Travis Washburn, Amanda Demopoulos, Mandy Joye. 2017. Macrobenthic infauna of deep-sea hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2012-2013. Distributed by: GRIIDC, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/N70R9MV2
Data Parameters and Units:
Macrofauna >300 um were identified in collected samples Sample ID (ID given on boat), Site/Block, Year (YYYY), Station, Date collected (DD-MMM-YY), Seep-location of sample with respect to a seep (near or background), Wellhead-location of sample with respect to Deepwater Horizon wellhead (near-within 10 km or far), Proximity- structures near sample (microbial mats or samplers), Fraction-section of sediment depth (cm), Latitude (decimal degrees), Longitude (decimal degrees), Depth (m), Gear (multicorer-MC or pushcore-ROV), Oil present (true or false), Oil type, Number of samples (N), Core ID (number given to core), Media (preservation method), Notes, Four fractions-each section of sediment depth (cm), Three fractions-sediment depth with top two sections combined (cm), Top bottom-sediment depth with top three sections combined (cm), Taxa-lowest taxonomic used to identify organisms, Phylum/Class-larger taxonomic units used to identify organisms, Abundance (N-number of individuals per sample), Density (Nm2-number of individuals/m2), Date sorted (MM/DD/YYYY), Date ID (MM/DD/YYYY), Sorter, Taxonomist, Oil (present or absent), Oiled sample (Yes or No), Density of macrofauna (abundance/m2)